a.k.a. Kwizgiver
1. Would you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your girlfriend or boyfriend? No.
2. Where were you on your 17th birthday? No idea whatsoever. That was 26 years ago.
3. Have you ever seen a live bat? Yes. Not very up-close.
4. Is there anyone you hate? Not today, but the night is young. heh
5. How much are you on the phone daily? I probably average less than 2 hours a week on the phone. Not much at all daily, maybe 15 minutes on a big day.
6. Do you like the color orange? I'm not overly fond of it, but it doesn't give me the creeps like pink.
7. Do you find it in your heart to forgive? Sometimes. There are a few outstanding things that I need to deal with yet.
8. Have you ever seen a prostitute? Of course. Have I visited (i.e., employed) one? No.
9. Have you ever seen a real redneck? Our co-leader for youth group calls himself a redneck. My newest brother-in-law does as well. I'm not sure how they know; they seem perfectly normal to me. ;-)
10. Do you like tattoos and piercings? Discretion is good.
11. What size shoes do you wear? I'm closing in on ten, but I can still get into a 9.5 sometimes.
12. Whats your favorite season? Fall.
13. Do you care if people talk smack about you? Depends who they are talking to, and who they are. Mostly, though...not so much. Fuck 'em.
14. Do you like someone? Several people.
15. Does your dad call you a nickname? A) My dad is dead; and B) He loathed nicknames. Ergo: C) No.
16. Are you in a good mood? Fair.
17. Do you think people will exist forever? As a race or as individuals? I don't understand this question. I think humans will continue to evolve unless we kill ourselves off.
18. What is your sign? Scorp.
19. Do you believe in luck? Not exactly.
20. Would you rather sky dive or bungee jump? I'd rather sky dive; the bouncing on the bungee doesn't seem fun.
21. Are you jealous of anyone? I'm envious of anyone who doesn't have snow on the ground right now.
22. Where is one place you would like to visit? Macchu Picchu.
23. Do you like waffles? Yes.
24. Anything you are looking forward to? Sleeping tonight.
25. What clothes are you wearing? Tan GV jeans and a green & tan striped shirt.
26. Do you watch TRU TV? How odd: I have only watched it a couple of times, but it was on last night briefly.
27. Be honest, do you like people in general? Yes. They amuse me.
28. Big or small dogs? I love dogs! However, I am allergic to all sizes of dogs.
29. Do you like Big Macs? Prefer QPs.
30. Did someone bother you today? Not really. CT wasn't at work. ;-)
31. What do you think about death? It's certainly no fun for those left living.
32. Sometimes, do you wish you were someone else? Semi-regularly.
33. Does someone love you? Yes, thank God.
34. Do you know anyone named Dave? Yes. I'll be seeing of the Daves I know in about 20 minutes.
35. Name a friend whose name starts with an M? Mary.
36. Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member? ALL the fuckin' time, even family members to whom I bear NO resemblance.
37. Got any nicknames? See 15. However, I have a pretty sterling one now.
38. What color is your hair? Brown.
39. Do you like Starbucks? If I liked coffee I might, however I find everything there substantially overpriced.
40. Are you named after anyone? A friend of my sisters'.
41. Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass or fail? Depends on what drugs were on the list to check.
42. How tall are you? 172 cm.
43. Are you taller than your mom? Almost 6 inches taller.
44. Do you like the color blue? Yes.
45. Who was the last person to send you an IM? Beast, this morning to tell me he was leaving work.
46. Last restaurant you went to? Taco Bell on the way home from the concert Sunday night.
47. What do you order at Outback Steakhouse? You're pretty much tied to steak, so that's what I get.
48. How do you like your steak cooked? Medium.
49. Last voicemail you receive? none
50. What is the first thing you would do if you won five million dollars? Call Ryan and tell him to get to work!
51. How many hours did you sleep last night? 7.5
Sunday night
5 years ago
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