Wednesday, February 27, 2008


(from here)


-- Name: Cat.
-- Birth date: Same as it has been for 44+ years now
-- Birthplace: Denver, CO
-- Current Location: My living room.
-- Eye Color: Hazel (with blown pupils due to my visit to the eye doctor)
-- Hair Color: Still brown.
-- Height: Still 171 cm. or so.
-- Righty or Lefty: Righty.
-- Zodiac Sign: Scorpio.


-- Your heritage: 100% North American mutt.
-- The shoes you wore today: Comfy black velcro shoes.
-- Your weakness: Laziness.
-- Your fears: Failure.
-- Your perfect pizza: Cheese, Canadian bacon, onions, mushrooms.
-- Goal you'd like to achieve: More travel.


-- Your most overused phrase on AIM: I don't use AIM, but with meebo, I do a lot of :D -ing
-- Your thoughts upon first waking up: ...mppphhhhhhfff....
-- Your best physical feature: Mastoid process.
-- Your bedtime: 10-11:30 p.m.
-- Your most missed memory: (How odd is this phrasing??) I'd like to see my sister again. I actually really miss her today.


-- Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi (Diet), but really Diet Dr. Pepper.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Taco Bell.
-- Single or group dates: Whatever.
-- Adidas or Nike: Which cost less and feel better?
-- Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: SUN tea (i.e. REAL tea!!)
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla.
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Water.


-- Smoke: Nope.
-- Cuss: A bit too much, perhaps, yes.
-- Sing: Yes.
-- Take a shower everyday: I shower or bathe probably 355 days each year.
-- Have a crush(es): Not really.
-- Do you think you've been in love: No: I know I have.
-- Want to go to college: Not college, no.
-- Want to get married: Not again, no.
-- Believe in yourself: Yes.
-- Get motion sickness: In cars and buses, yes. I'm fine on trains and planes.
-- Think you're attractive: Not so much this week.
-- Think you're a health freak: {snort} No. Which has a lot to do with my previous answer.
-- Get along with your parents: Yes.
-- Like thunderstorms: LOVE 'em! [unless the sky turns green]
-- Play an instrument: Yes.

LAYER SIX: In the past month...

-- Drank alcohol: Yes.
-- Smoked: No.
-- Done a drug: Nothing illegal, but I take Rx pills every day.
-- Had Sex: Yes.
-- Made out:, yeah...
-- Gone on a date: Sorta.
-- Gone to the mall? Yes.
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreo: No.
-- Eaten sushi: No.
-- Been on stage: No.
-- Gone skating: No.
-- Made homemade cookies: No.
-- Gone skinny dipping: No. Brrr.... {shiver}
-- Dyed your hair: Yes.
-- Stolen anything: Only naps and glances.


-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: Not that I remember.
-- If so, was it mixed company:
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Yes.
-- Been caught "doing something": Yes.
-- Been called a tease: Fuck no!
-- Gotten beaten up: Yup.
-- Shoplifted: Yes.
-- Changed who you were to fit in: Welcome to Hormoneville--yes!


-- Age you hope to be married: Now and for awhile yet.
-- Numbers and Names of Children: One named Sparky.
-- How do you want to die: Well. That is, with dignity.
-- Where you want to go to college: McCormick.
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: Appreciative.
-- What country would you most like to visit: Kenya.

LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl...

-- Best eye color? I'm pretty partial to brown eyes, but other colors are by no means dealbreakers!
-- Best hair color? 90% of the guys I have thought were attractive over the years have had dark hair.
-- Short or long hair: I prefer longer, well-cared-for hair. Which clearly explains why Beast has a buzz-cut.
-- Height: At least my height.
-- Best weight: Healthy and comfortable.
-- Best articles of clothing: Leather jackets.
-- Best first date location: Mountain hiking. 'Course, nowadays, I'd probably die since I'm so badly out of shape, so maybe just a picnic instead.


-- Number of drugs taken illegally: Uh...hello Mr. Fifth Amendment!
-- Number of people I could trust with my life: Two, maybe three.
-- Number of CDs that I own: Let's say 100. I have no idea.
-- Number of piercings: Dos.
-- Number of tattoos: Cerro.
-- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Ahhh, ocho o nueve, más o menos.
-- Number of scars on my body: Two large ones, and lots of smaller ones.
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: Plenty.

last cigarette: I've never smoked.
last car ride: Home from church tonight.
last good cry: The break-down-and-sob kind was weeks ago. I did some crying on Sunday night during the testimonial at the concert.
last library book checked out: I think the last thing I checked out was CSI: Miami. No clue what the last book was. I probably have about 6 checked out now, and have checked out well over 1000 in the past 9 years.
last movie seen: The first Matrix movie was on the other night.
last cuss word uttered: No clue.
last beverage drank: Diet Dr. Pepper. Surprised??
last food consumed: Dessert: lemon fluff and apple/butterscotch crisp.
last crush: The cute guy who is writing a children's book in our study rooms at work.
last phone call: Sparky calling to see where I was this afternoon when I was supposed to be picking him up from school.
last tv show watched: Some annoying show on "log cabins" is on right now. I'm doing my best to ignore it.
last time showered: Last shower was...uh, Monday? I took a bath since then, though. ;-)
last shoes worn: Comfy black ones...see above.
last cd played: The final two lectures of the Modern Library course Sparky and I were working on.
last item bought: Dinner.
last downloaded: I actually never have done this.
last annoyance: Can't think of anything. Today was a pretty easy day.
last disappointment: See previous answer.
last soda drank: See earlier answer.
last thing written: By hand, the mileage when I filled up the gas tank this afternoon.
last key used: "End"
last word spoken: You. (as in "Goodnight, Sparky. Love you.")
last sleep: This morning.
last im: Beast at noon.
last weird encounter: Today's family of scary kids-with-mom was pretty weird. Not too often you get to hear a 2-year-old saying "Fuck it" over and over with the mom's reply being "be quiet in the library" rather than "watch your mouth!"
last ice cream eaten: Probably vanilla, but it's been awhile.
last time amused: The kids at dinner were fun.
last time hugged: Hmmm, someone at church? Or Sparky.
last time scolded: Uh...awhile.
last time resentful: Last night during the meeting.
last chair sat in: The one in which I ate dinner.
last lipstick used: Don't use lipstick.
last time dancing: I did a bit of chair dancing at work today.
last poster looked at: ...uh...something on someone's website about typographical design.
last webpage visited: Google.

0 sweet-talkers :

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