I wish I could remember where I found this...
1) Answer the questions below
2) Take each answer and type it into Photobucket
3) Take a picture from the first page of results copy the html code.
4) You can’t copy the persons answers who posted this before you!Unless noted, I used the first photo on the page....
1. The age you will be on your next birthday:

I have been on this highway. I don't remember most of it, but I've been there.
2. A place you’d like to travel: 
I just met a Czech librarian yesterday. We had a lengthy IM chat, and now I want to see Prague.
3. Your favorite place:
Can you see why?
4. Your favorite object:
This was hard because I can't say there's ONE THING that is my absolute favorite. I tried "bed" but couldn't find one that looked like mine.
5. Your favorite food:

This was the second choice, because it looks more like what I make, and the first choice was on a site called Expired Foods. ick
6. Your favorite animal:
OK, will it freak you all out that I find this photo totally adorable? I love wolves, and wolf-dogs (though I don't approve of uncontrolled interbreeding). This is the latter.
7. Your favorite color:
8. The town in which you were born:
Technically, I was born in Denver, but this is the town where my parents lived for all their married life (after WWII) and where we all were raised. This skyline is completely unfamiliar to me, however. [and this is the second photo, because the first was a hotel]
9. The town you live in:
Yup, that's here in town.
10. The name of your pet:
Well, our Buddy is a guinea pig, but...oh, well.
11. The first name of your love:
Couldn't use his real first name: too many famous people showed up. So...this is my Beastie. ;-)
12. Your nickname:
I resemble neither creature in this photo. Ahem.
13. Your middle name:
Nope. Not at all. I'd NEVER paint a dorm room this color--at MIT (where this picture is posted) or anywhere else!
14. Your last name:
15. A bad habit of yours:
Yep, too true. It's not me, but the hair color is pretty close, actually.
16. Your first job:
...and then...
17. Your grandmothers' names:
The really frightening thing about this odd result is that the most visible guy really does look a lot like my dad did when he was about 15!

...whereas neither individual here looks like my other grandma.
18. Your favorite book:
I must say, this is the scariest-looking drawing of Ruth from the Bible EVER! But the book title is "The Book of Ruth" and it's NOT about the Bible.
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