Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Incoherent Much?

(from here)

Name: Cat.

Nickname(s): blah blah blah

Age: 44

D.O.B.: blah blah blah

Place Of Birth: Denver, CO

Hometown: I grew up in suburban Denver and now I live in the upper Midwest (under a helluva lot of snow)

Heritage: Northern-European-American mush

Ethnicity (spelling): Pale (pail)

Religion: Presbyterian

Hair Color: Brown with highlights over brown with gray

Eye Color: Hazel

Height: 1.72m

Weight: Well over what's on the license

Siblings: I have some, yes.

Pets: Lots of dust-bunnies at work; do they count.

Tattoos: Not on my body, or the bodies of anyone else in this household.

Piercings: blah blah blah

Parent's Status (still together/divorced): Married, separated but becoming less so with every passing day

Living With: My husband and son and his guinea pig

Birth Marks (where): I've got a couple of moles and a weird little thing on one earlobe

Beliefes/Veiws on God: (and the incoherence begins in earnest) I believe in God, but my view of what God is is considerably different from what the major organized religions like to ram down people's throats.

Gay Marriage: If people love each other and want to get married, who am I to stop them? And just how is their marriage (or lack of same) going to poison MY marriage?? Oh, yeah, that's right: it's not. (duh)

Abortion: My body, my choice. Your body, your choice.

Racism: is ridiculous, but unfortunately we are always going base distinctions between people on the most obvious things: hair and skin color, height, weight... The best we can do is be aware of our blind spots and try not to let them run our lives.

Sexism: is just as ridiculous.

Politics: are the most ridiculous of all. Just don't get me started.

War: "...what is it good for? Absolutely nothin'! Say it again..."

Religion: It shouldn't interfere with your relationship to whatever higher power you believe in. I wish people would see that 'organized religion' should be used as a tool to better people's lives and to make the playing field fair, rather than as a weapon to make inequality and despair more prevalent.

Gas Prices: are finally reaching the point where Americans might see that we need to figure out some alternatives.

No Child Left Behind Program: Around here we call it "No Teacher Left Standing." It's insane. The idea seems to be test everyone, all the time, PLUS act as a social worker but without tools or training, and all with less funding because any extra money is going into buying more stuff we don't need from Halliburton for the military.

Teen Pregnancy: Is not a problem that suddenly appeared over the past 40 years. You old farts need to get over yourselves!

Teens Being Sexually Active: Teaching ONLY abstinence doesn't work!! People are going to have sex. Can we at least make an effort toward keeping STDs under control? Oy.

Teens Who Drink/Smoke/Do Drugs: Another artifact of "it can't happen to me." I don't know what the answer is, but part of it is that kids need to know that there are alternatives.

Ozone Layer: Has a hole in it. This is bad. We aren't doing enough to deal with it. Watch or read "An Inconvenient Truth" for details.

Global Warming: See above. Pull your head out.

Bush (our former president): Are we talking about Sr. or Jr.? I've said for 7 years now that the only way to make Sr. look like Mother Teresa is seeing his Idiot Son sitting in the Oval Office. The whole family needs to be separated from its income and put to work on an assembly line or farm somewhere so they can find out what life is really like.

Michael Jackson: should never be discussed on national airwaves again. Ever. Anywhere. By anyone.

Science Tested Animals: ( I'd rather the tests I think this refers to be done on animals than people. Would you rather we did controlled tests of drugs for asthma on children before or after we tested those drugs on rabbits and dogs? Or just let everyone go back to dying young from diabetes because we can't test how manufactured insulin might impact pigs and then humans? Yeah. I thought not. Look, I like fluffy little critters as much as anyone, but a large majority of my family would be dead if not for the medical testing that was done using animals. Fuck, I'd be dead!

Have You/Do You
Pick Your Nose: Sometimes.

Sing In The Shower: No.

Mooned/Flashed Someone: Nope, neither.

Skinny Dipped: Nope.

Drool In Sleep: Only when I've got a terrible cold and can't breathe properly through my nose.

Done/Said Something Stupid In Front Of A Hottie/Your Crush: At the time, it was stupid and I was mortified. Looking back, it wasn't that bad and he wasn't even aware of my mortification, much less of my having said anything.

Embarassed [sic] Yourself In The Past Month: Flustered, yes. Embarrassed? I don't think so.

Lied This Year: Yes. This week, even.

Told a Friend's Secret To Someone Else: Yes, but I'm improving.

Fell In Love: ("Have I fell in love?" urk) I have fallen in love.

Fell Out Of Love: see above... And yes.

Watched a Kid's Movie/TV Show In the Past 24 Hours: No, but I watched Sparky playing some version of another of a Pokemon game today. That music made me want to cry...!

Called a Teacher Mom/Hunny/Hun: I called my 6th grade Sunday School teachers "Mom" and "Dad" because they were my parents.

Moshed: I've never been entirely sure what this encompasses. I don't think I have.

Make/Made Your Bed: Pretty much every day.

Kissed A Stranger: Sorta.

B!tch Slapped Someone In the Past 48 Hours: I haven't bitch-slapped anyone in the past 20 years!!

In The Past Week
Took A Shower: Actually, I've been all about baths for the past week. No showers.

Got Money/Allowence [sic]: I got paid today, but fortunately it's EFT.

Read A Book: I finished a whole book in the past day.

Slept: Yes. Not enough.

Studied For A Test Or Quiz: Nope. ha ha ha

Watched TV: Yes.

Check Your MySpace, Facebook, Myyearbook Ect. [sic]: Facebook, yes. The others are anathema.

Eaten: WAY too much!!

Drank Water: Not enough.

Called Someone A Mean Name/Dissed Someone: I called Sparky a dork when he fell down while...uh...standing in the living room. Yes. Seriously!

Went Shopping: Yes. Bought a Roomba on Friday. Went grocery shopping on Saturday.

Kissed Someone/Got Kissed: Yepper.

Hugged Someone/Got Hugged: Multiple times.

Went To a Movie: Hah! No.

Danced: In my chair, yes.

Sang: Yes, lots of times.

Most Embassing [sic] CD You Own: I don't think I have anything outrageously embarrassing, just some stuff I should probably get rid of.

What TV Show DO You Watch In Secret: I only watch The View very rarely and alone, otherwise I get teased.

Favorite Talk Show: I don't watch them often, so I'll say Oprah.

Something Odd About Yourself/Odd Fact About Yourself: I sleep with earplugs, even when I don't need to.

A Secret About Yourself: not likely

Do You Have A B/F or G/F: ...see previous answer...

Current Song You're Listening To: How It's Made is on TV, so no music.

TV Show You Just Watched (before you did this survey): See above. Not my choice, btw.

What Celebrity Poster/Picture Do You Have In Your Room: Uh, I've graduated from high school.... None.

What Room Are You In: Ensconced on the sofa in the living room.

Describe Your Bedroom Walls: They are blue and sandy-brown.

Tell Me A Sentence About You In Spanish (more than 3 words): ¡Sé exactamente lo que usted está diciendo, y no le gusto!

Do You Know French: No. That's Beast's job.

Food: Sugar.

Drink: Diet Dr. Pepper.

Color: Blue

Quote: I've totally been saving this quote for a question like this: "If your parents never had children, chances are you won't, either." - Dick Cavett

Holiday: Thanksgiving.

Animal: Wolf

Scent: Pine.

Movie: Heathers.

Song: "The Sweetest Thing" U2

Celeberty: (OMG OMG OMG--thonk) none

Web Site: Blogger.

State (in the U.S.): Anyplace warm works right now. And Colorado, when it's not cold!

Song Listened To: "Woman" John Lennon

TV Show Watched: How It's Made is still on

Thing You Ate: Cookies. I should probably go scrounge something a little more 'dinner-ey' though.

Thing You Drank: DP

Thing You Bought: Groceries

Store You Went To: The (doy) grocery store

Dream You had: I slept through it, sorry.

Time You Dreamt: Undoubtedly, last night.

Time You Kissed Someone/Got Kissed: This morning? Maybe this afternoon. We've all been home all day.

Time You Hugged Someone/Got Hugged: See previous answer.

Person You Talked To in IM Or TXT: IM: Beast, yesterday.

Hate/dislike: Nothin' really.

Love/like: Central heat.

Thought: My ankles and feet are cold; I should go put sox on under my slippers.

Mood: Content

Song Listening To: K...moved on to Mythbusters.

Doing: Calisthenics. Or, this.

Eating: Nothing, for a change.

Drinking: Nothing.

Wondering: What to have for dinner.

More Randoms
Would You Be Your Own B.F.F.: I think, by default, I really ought to be yes?

What Time Is It Now: 7:03 p.m.

Latest Gossip You Heard: ...don't think I've heard any today. On the other hand, I can honestly say that Sparky gave up a lot of info on The Girl Situation yesterday afternoon... ;-)

What Is The One Thing You Can't Live Without (other than a basic need): My glasses.

...and the pièce de résistance of incoherence!:
If You Had To Die Tomorrow Because of It Would You Give What One Thing Up: I have no FUCKING idea...but I'm laughing very very hard.

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