Tuesday, February 5, 2008


(from here)


1. Have you ever failed a grade? No

2. Have you ever been offered sex, and turned it down? Yep.

3. Have you ever blamed somebody for something that they did not do? Kinda goes with the territory of being a mom, unfortunately.

4. Have you ever been to a real all-teen party? What? Well, yeah, when I was a teen!!

5. Have you ever gotten into to trouble with the police? Other than a speeding ticket, no.

6. What color is your cell phone? Mostly silver.

7. Do you have a certain thing you like on all foods (hot sauce, ketchup, peanut butter)? No. Well. Except sugar. ;-)

8. Did you ever have a best friend lie to you? Of course.

9. Did you ever lose a best friend? Yes.

10. Have you ever gotten into a fight over a guy with another girl? Not a fight, but some bad feelings.

11. Do you consider yourself greedy over anything at all? Yes, indeed.

12. Would you ever spend a lot of money on a vacation? I have done. I'd do it again.

13. Do you want to get married? Been there, done it, etc.

14. What will your dream house be like in the future? I'm in it. Hopefully it won't change much, though I'd like to get rid of some of the crap that we have stored in it!

15. If you could have any pet in the world, what would it be? If I could I'd have lots of different animals: a cat, a dog, a hamster, a guinea pig, birds.

16. If you could afford a total makeover, then what's the first thing you would do? I'd totally fix my allergies.

17. Would you ever go on a reality TV show? It would be very tempting to go on TAR, except I'd never be allowed for medical reasons.

18. Have you ever gotten mad because somebody said they'd call you and they didn't? Of course.

19. Do you love weekends or week days more? They both have their good points.

20. Have you ever had a member of the opposite sex spend the night? heh, yeah...

21. What's the most uncomfortable/awkward moment you have ever had with someone of the opposite sex? Making assumptions about where we stood with no basis for thinking he felt the same way.

22. What is your favorite department store? Kohl's.

23. If you could have a 1,000 dollar shopping spree at any store in the mall, what store would it be at (that means just one store!!)? Best Buy or Circuit City.

24. If you could be a model, would you? No.

25. Would you ever gain weight to act for a movie? I don't think I need to gain any more weight, thanks.

26. Would you ever get liposuction? No. Would I? No.

27. Would you ever dress like a prostitute just to see what people say to you and how they look at you? Not anymore, no.

28. Have you ever met a real life prostitute? Probably. Everyone ends up at the library at some point.

30. Do you like yourself? I like who I am just fine, yes.


1.Do you like anyone? Grr...

2. Are you flirty: Sometimes.

3. Are you a player? I can be.

4. Would you get back together with any of your exes? Not at all.

5. Have you ever kissed anyone on your top friends? Presumably this has something to do with MySpace. Since no one I've kissed uses MySpace except Sparky, and I no longer have an account...no.

6. Do you want a valentine? I'll get a card. I have a sweetie.

7. Have you slept over at the opposite sex's house? Many, many times.

8. Do you prefer group dates or single ones? Date? What's a date? I'm really easy about any kind of date!

Where the hell is 9.?

10.Small kisses or makeout sessions? Uh, depends on the circs. Both are nice.

11. Do you like cuddling up and watching movies? Haven't done that in eons.

12. Any plans for Valentines Day? I will be at work from 12 to 9. How romantic.

13. What's the best Valentines Day present for a girl? Depends on the girl. I'd take anything from roses to a new pair of slippers or thumb drive.

14. Are you single or taken? Taken.

15.Are you happy? I am content tonight. But I have to giggle at the answer given by the person who took this last: "well not now…those stupid valentine questions made me upset"


What level do you play in Guitar Hero? I don't.

Are you In a relationship? I have lots of relationships of assorted different kinds.

Are you wearing jeans right now? Yes.

Where is your dad? Heaven.

Do you live with both of your parents? I have not lived with either of my parents since June of 1986.

Do you think too much or too little? I overthink some things, and underthink a lot of others.

Do you smile a lot? Yes. I scowl a lot too. Guess which lines are deeper...

What is the price of gas where you live? According to Gas Buddy, our current prices run from $2.97 to $3.06.

What was the last compliment you received, and when? Beast commented on my appearance a little while ago.

Have you ever rode in a plane? I've ridden in several dozen, well over 100.

Are you for or against abortion? Hands off the bod people; it's MY choice!

Do you prefer call or text? Email or IM.

Do you have any siblings? Yes.

Are you close with them? Not physically. As for emotionally...some of them...sometimes.

How many people do you trust 100%? Three.

Where did you get the shirt you're wearing? Beast bought it at a trade show he was at last fall.

Do you go to church? Yes.

Are Chuck Norris jokes funny? I'm the wrong demographic, I think.

What's the last movie you saw in the theater? Underdog.

Can you live without the computer? I could. I'd prefer not to.

When was the last time you got flowers? Last week.

Do you wish at 11:11? Nope.

Do you have any piercings? aaaaaarggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhh!

Who was the last person you laid in bed with? {nails on a chalkboard} I was in bed with Beast this morning at some point, but he was gone before I woke up.

What's your middle name? It's a book in the Bible.

How big is your bed? Queen size.

Ever get so drunk you couldn't remember the entire night? Nope. Just parts of it.

Can you play any instruments? Yes.

Favorite flower? Garden roses.

Have you ever loved someone? Yes.

Do you have a tattoo? No.

Are you hiding something from someone? Not actively, not right now.

3 Things you can't live without? Air, water, food.

Are you a giver or a taker? Little o' both.

List three differences between you & the last person you kissed. He's male, he's young(er than me), and he's a redhead.

What was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning? "My eyes are so fucked up..."

Do you believe there's always room in your heart for your first love? Memories, yes. I'm not sure those reside in my heart, however.

Do you like to have long hair or short hair? Long.

Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? He was on his way to bed.

When was the last time you cried? Sunday at church.

Have you ever gambled in a casino? Yes.

Have you ever had your heart broken? Yup.

How many texts did you receive today? 0

Do you ever miss your first love? No. Well...ok, sometimes. He was a good kisser.

Do you tend to make relationships complicated? No. They generally become that way over time anyway. I try not to contribute anything too complicated.

Who was the last person to make you cry? "Made me cry"? Probably Beast.

Name someone whose name starts with the letter "R." Rachel.

Do you trust people easily? Sometimes I can be remarkably gullible. Other times, I'm 100% cynic.

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years? Beast says yes as long as we're both still alive.

Do you plan on moving out within the next year? Only if Sparky becomes a psycho-teen.

Where were you at 9 p.m. last Friday night? I was at home. Possibly watching the Roomba do its thing...?

What happened at 10:00 a.m. today? I was eating a candy cigar.

Is your family just a bundle of fun? The people with whom I live are. My sisters et al....sometimes.

What would be the full name of your best friend? Jennifer Ann (C______) S________

Do you laugh at all the wrong times? Not at all the wrong times, but I have moments of inappropriate laughter.

When did you last cry hysterically? Couple of weeks ago at the lock-in. Who knew Spoons could be so funny??


Let's Begin
Name: Cat.

Age: 44

How much television do you get in daily? The TV is on usually only when Beast or Sparky wants to watch something. I rarely choose to watch TV, but it's usually on at least 2 hours every evening.

Now, what's your favorite show? CSI

Are you sure it's your favorite? Well, it might be TAR...I suppose.

What do you like about it? CSI: good writing, good mysteries, and great characters. TAR: funny and I love travel.

Have you seen almost all the episodes? CSI: Yes. TAR: Most of 'em.

Which episode do you most remember? The "Nick in the Box" (my name for it) cliffhanger/season premiere still gets me.

Does one of the characters have some of your personality traits? Several of them have some of my quirks.

Does one of the characters resemble you, a little bit? Sarah's probably the one who does the most...and now she's gone.

Does one of the characters get you emotional: laughing, crying, etc.? Gil makes me laugh.

Do you try to watch this show daily? No.

Who's your favorite character on it? I like them all. Except Hodges. He needs to be hit by a speeding truck.

How well do you know the characters' personalities? Pretty well.

Pick your favorite character on the show.
What's his/her name? Nick Stokes.

Is this character funny? He's amusing in appropriate ways.

What hair color does this character have? Dark brown.

What eye color does this character have? Brown (I think).

What makes this character most memorable? Aside from the whole "chiseled jawbone" thing? Uh, he's a kindhearted soul.

Do you somehow relate to this character? Yes.

If so, in what ways? He likes to have fun and he appreciates the good things in life.

How well do you know this character? As well as the audience is allowed to get to know the characters on CSI.

Would you want this character to be your friend, if it was possible? Hell yes!

Okay, so you're crazy about this show.
Now do you know when the show first came out? Fall 2000 (let me go check to see if that's right...yup)

Has the show's seasons been sold on DVD? Indeedy, yes.

Have you bought the seasons? Nope; I checked 'em out from the 'brary.

Who's your second favorite character on the show? Grissom.

Is there a character on there that seems too, "out there" or wacky? Grissom is quite odd.

Is there a character that seems to be too nosy? "Too nosy"? They investigate crimes for a living! OK, maybe Hodges.

Is there one character that has you emotional more than others? Sarah.

In the end.
Will you watch this show today? Nope.

Are you hoping the episode you watch will be one of your faves? N/a

One last thought. Have you ever fantasized about a character? Heh...

Do you still love that show, even after you've taken this survey? Yup.

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