Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Take Five Tuesday

(Link in blogroll)

1. 5 things on your desk right now.
At work: gong, DVD we'll be watching at the lock-in Friday, Kleenex box, computer and monitor, odupelog report
2. 5 things you need to, or should be doing today.
calling the hospital, calling James, updating the Session minutes, Swiffering the floors, sleeping
3. 5 of your favorite foods.
iced sugar cookies, bread and butter, a fresh salad, tiramisu, salsa
4. 5 of your favorite drinks.
diet Dr. Pepper, gewurtztraminer, Stoli, LIIT, water
5. 5 things in your bag, weather it be a purse, a fanny pack, or whatever bag you use.
Workbag: Kleenex, planner, Tylenol, eyedrops, wallet

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