from here
1. What colour is your phone? Silver and black
2. Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M? My boss
3. Who's the last person you called? Last call was to VM, before that I talked to Sparky.
4. Who was your last missed call from? James
5. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D? The other cataloger at work.
6. Who's speed dial 2? House phone
7. Who's the 3rd person who comes up under J? Jon's cell
8. Who was your last received call from? Home
9. Who's speed dial number 4? Beast @ work
10. What's your background? There's a coconut and maraschino cherries involved.... I absolutely HATE all the background choices on this phone--if I could just turn 'em all off and have ~~blank~~ I would.
11. How many text messages are currently in your inbox? Six. I just cleared 10 of them out today (5 are from Beast, one from Amy).
12. Who's speed dial number 1? '1' is not an option for me.
13. What's the 5th message in your inbox? "No way, did i win, or did u give up & go home? In other words, i'm here."
14. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under C? Our local hospital, but only because Sparky added C.'s # the last time he used this phone.
15. Who was your last text message from? Beast
16. Name last three people you have text messages from: Beast, Beast, Beast
17. Have you seen the 101 Chuck Norris facts list? Nope. No interest whatsoever in Chuck Norris.
18. Who's the 9th person on your missed calls? Beast's cell.
19. What does the 6th message in your Sent items say? "4 @ least. not sure what 2 do re dinner--fend?? I will call 2.30ish?"
20. Who is the first name in your Phonebook? Amy
21. Who is the last name in your Phonebook? Sparky's friend Z.
22. Do you have a camera phone? Nope
23. Who is the last person under G? Sparky's cell, or at least...the cell he uses.
24. What does the last text message say in your inbox? "On plane. C u in a couple hours. Luv ya!"
25. Who is the second person under K? I only have one 'K' person.
26. What is your ringtone? It's always on vibrate.
27. Who is your first [oldest?] text message sent and what does it say? "Dood u ready 2 go soon?" to Sparky.
28. Who is the 15th contact? House phone
29. Do you have your number saved? Not my cell, no. Seems a little redundant.
30. Do you like your phone? I need a new one; the hinge is starting to go, and (as noted) I really don't like the graphics. Otherwise, yeah, it's fine.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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