How Old Were You When:
01. Fell In Love For The First Time: 20.
02. Got A MySpace Account or Started Blogging: Started blogging at 39, MySpace at about 41 for about 10 minutes.
03. Got Drunk: 16
04. Smoked Weed: uh...still waiting on this one...
05. French Kissed: 17
06. Had Surgery: 33 (nless you count dental surgery, but I was awake for all those extractions...t 12 and 16)
07. Got Your Heart Broken Badly? ...not sure I have...
08. Got Arrested: HAH!
09. Smoked A Cigarette? Never
10. Broke A Bone: I broke two fingers at two different times as a child. That's it.
11. Went To A Concert: 17
12. Got Your Own Cell Phone: 34? Don't remember, actually.
13. Got A Speeding Ticket: 43
14. Ran Away: 18 when I went to college
15. Snuck Out Of The House: I haven't ever done this in the proper sense, mostly just leaving for work or a walk before anyone else is awake.
16. Pierced Something Other Than Your Ear: Nothing else on my body is pierced. I've done a lot of non-body piercing, however: shish kebab, for instance.
17. Got A Tattoo: Not.
18. Bought Pr0n): Never, actually, though I suppose it depends on what you consider pr0n.
19. Went To A Club: 18
20. Transferred To A New School: Whatever school I started, I finished out the degree or course.
21. Totaled A Car: Define "total." :-) Never, officially.
22. Moved Out Of Your Parents House: 18 for college, 22 for real.
23. Drove More Than A 100 Miles Alone: 18, to Ouray (well, not alone, but no parents were with us!). Alone alone...? Uh...not sure.
24. How Old Are You Now: I will be 43 for another 5 or so hours.
What is your zodiac sign? Scorpio
What makes you feel like a kid again? being around little kids
What is your weakness? I'm WAAAY too emotional
What candle scent is your favorite? Linen, though I do like pine at Christmas time.
What is your nationality? U.S.
What kind of music do you dislike most? Not a fan of most rap, especially the commentary about women therein.
What sport do you dislike most? Bull-fighting
What is your favorite drink? This will be a shock: diet Dr. Pepper (though I had an AWESOME L.I.I.T. this weekend).
Are you a good kisser? I'm practiced, but I can't speak directly to the quality of the kisses. ;-)
Can you cook? I can. I'd rather not, for the most part.
Do you go out with your friends often? No.
What was your favorite toy as a kid? Jumprope.
What's your favorite movie? Heathers
Last time you were in trouble? With whom?
What's your favorite sports team? Packers, of course!
What kind of phone do you have? My cell is LG.
Have you ever been to a strip club? ...erk, no.
What's in your CD player? Melissa Etheridge in the kitchen, The Iliad in the car.
Are your toenails painted? Nope, not in the winter
What was your 1st alcoholic beverage? Rum? I think...
Do you have a crush on anyone? Not currently.
Have you ever been on an airplane? Several dozen times
What's in your shower? My shampoo/conditioner, Beast's shampoo, both our razors, soap, face soap, a rubber duck and some random products from BB&B
Do you have an iPod? No, but I have an MP3 player I've literally never used.
Mac or PC? PC
Are you getting along with your parents? Yes
Do you wear jewelery [sic]? Three rings, and a variety of inexpensive earrings
First thing you think when you wake up? ...not yet!...
Have you ever gone scuba diving? In my case that would be fatal.
What's on your feet right now? White sox
What's your dream car? Chocolate brown jeep.
When is the last time you kissed some one? I kissed Beast this morning....
What's your favorite smell? Clean sheets, baking bread, cut wood, and babies (though probably not all at once).
Are you modest? Uh...yes?
What cell phone carrier do you use? AT&T
Have you gone to a prom? No. Thanks.
How do you take your coffee? someone else's cup. I love the smell, hate the taste.
Do you care others think about you? Which others? Those I know, yes. The general population? Not really.
What do you do when your driving? Listen to books and talk back to them sometimes.
What's the last thing you ate? A burrito
Walmart or Target? Target
What do you think of your last ex? My thoughts are gone with the mists of time on this subject.
Do you kiss and tell? Tell what??
Are you a good speller? Better than most.
What's on your mousepad? What mousepad? I use the laptop at home, and at work, I've got a floating shelf for my mouse.
What taste is in your mouth? I suspect I taste like me.
What is your favorite snack? Sweets.
Is your hair curly or straight? More wavy than either extreme.
Birthday Survey
How many birthdays have you celebrated so far? 44
When is your next one coming up? Either today or next year
If you could get anything, realisticly [sic] speaking, what would you ask for? Homemade cherry pie.
If you could ask for something magic or like superpowers, which kind? Flight.
Who do you want to be with during your birthdays? Beast and Sparky. Or no one.
How do you plan to celebrate your upcoming birthday? Kinda hanging out...
What was the worst present you ever got on a birthday? Can't think of anything I've hated...must have repressed it!
What was the worst birthday fiasco you ever had? Don't remember any fiascos. I have low expectations so they are almost always exceeded.
Did you ever purposely give someone a crappy gift? WTF? No, why bother getting one at all!?
Who would you never ever ever want to attend your birthday? Anyone famous.
What was the best birthday present you've ever recieved [sic]? An awesome cowboy hat with matching boots when I was 17 or 18.
What was the best birthday you've ever had? The most fun was probably 16. Otherwise, they've all been ok.
Why was it so great? Went to a movie with three friends, sat around at my house afterwards gossiping and eating cake.
What is your fave birthday activity, even if you haven't done it (yet)? Guilt-free inactivity!
Who would you love to come to your birthday to celebrate with you? No one!!
What did your family do to celebrate your birth? My dad built a new bedroom for my parents; our house was FULL! And...yeah, lots of other weird things happened around that time, but not because of me, just bad timing.
What did/will happen for your sweet 16th birthday? See above.
What did/will happen for your 21st birthday? Spent in my dorm room with my best friends. I have pictures. I think we went to the bars that weekend, but I was already legal so it wasn't all that big of a deal.
Would you be okay with dying on your birthday? It would be tidy, but I'm not fussed either way.
Pick someone you really really love: Uh...Beast...?
What would you get them for their birthday if you could give them anything? Time and joy.
Pick someone you really really hate: I don't actively hate anyone, though I have a good deal of scorn for some people in the local library consortia.
What would you do to spoil their birthday plans if you could? I would do nothing. At all.

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