(Link at left)
1. The things I give thanks for this Thanksgiving are good friends, good meds, and a wonderful husband and son.
2. My Thanksgiving traditions include using my mom & dad's china and making too much food.
3. The best part about Thanksgiving is table conversation and laughter.
4. My favorite Thanksgiving food is cranberry sauce. And stuffing. And mashed potatoes. And bread and butter.
5. Forgetting to get the rolls on the table was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me on Thanksgiving. (I honestly don't remember anything embarrassing. I have good memories of Thanksgiving, though my nephew got last on the way to our house last year...that was embarrassing for HIM!)
6. After the meal, I wash dishes. For hours. ;-)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing with BOTH my guys at the same time (!!), tomorrow my plans include packing shoeboxes with the middle school kids (they want to shoot for 160 boxes this year, God help us!), and Sunday, I want to help Beast have a happy birthday between all the other stuff we have to do!
Sunday night
5 years ago
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