Monday, September 24, 2007

Monday's a Bitch

(Link at left)
Random Joy

1.Which category of Trivial Pursuit would you say you're most knowledgeable in?
The only ones I'm NOT quite as good at are Sports and Science. But, frankly, I kick ass at TP so badly that I can't ever scare up a game anymore.
2.Did you go to your High School Prom? What was it like?
Nope. Couldn't be bothered.
3.If you were one of the five senses which would you be?
Hearing. The explanation for my answer makes about as much sense as the question. It's just the first answer I thought of.
4.Have you ever gone downhill skiing?
Nope. I'm way too cheap to pay to slide downhill on skinny wooden boards when I can do that on my ass, for free.
5.What's your favourite kind of nut?
I'm particularly fond of those to whom I'm related.

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