Monday, September 24, 2007

Ten Things

from Patrick's place

1. What were you doing ten years ago?
In September 1997...I had been working evenings part-time at the library for a little over a year and a half. Sparky was 4. I wasn't delivering newspapers anymore. What the hell WAS I doing? I think I was being a SAHM, reading, eating everything in sight, getting more and more depressed, and volunteering at church. I think I was Sunday School superintendent. I had recovered from major surgery seven months earlier. I still missed my sister every single day. Sparky was adorable.
2. What were you doing one year ago?
I believe that last year this time I was alternating between murder fantasies involving colleagues outside my workplace and trying to resign myself to using the worst possible library database EVER! OK, maybe not the worst product ever, but certainly the worst implementation ever. And dealing with allergies.
3. What are five snacks you enjoy?
Cookie dough
Rice cakes
Nuts (cashews, pistachios, pecans...not so much peanuts)
Candy, non-chocolate preferred
Guess which of the above I'm actually having for breakfast....
4. What are five songs you know the lyrics to?
Amazing Grace
Beautiful Boy--John Lennon
Rocky Mountain High--John Denver
I Will Always Love You--Dolly Parton
Must Be Crazy for Me--Melissa Etheridge
5. Name five things you would do if you were a millionaire.
Bank a good chunk of it for Sparky's college fund and our retirement
Install a hot tub in the house, and replace the kitchen counters
Buy a jeep for myself and whatever kind of car Beast would want
Give a chunk to church as a trust for capital developments
Buy a small house somewhere scenic, warm, and easily reachable
6. Name five bad habits. Of my own...?
Feeling sorry for myself
Not following through
Overscheduling myself
Not controlling my temper
Major lack of discipline across the board (food, temper, work, etc.)
7. What are five things you like to do?
Do puzzles (crosswords, Sudoku, jigsaw...)
Listen to music
Stand in the sun (I'm coming back as a cat, just so you all know)
8. What are your five favorite toys?
The laptop (which encompasses both the net and offline games)
The DVD player
My brain
The camera
9. What are five things you’d never wear?
Anything with a Laura Ashley label
Any shoes with over 3" spikes
Filthy clothing (the kind that really does stand in a corner with no support)
More than one kind of perfume at a time, and more than just a little of any one scent
Two (or more) different plaid patterns
10. Name five things you hate to do.
Admit I'm wrong
Changing my habits
Exercising alone
Anything involving cleaning floors (vacuuming, mopping, sweeping...)

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