Monday, September 24, 2007

Manic Monday

(Link at left)
You’ve won $100,000 – but have to give it all away. To which charity or institution would you donate it?
A chunk to PCUSA, a chunk to 46664, a chunk to NOW, and a chunk to the World Bank.
What do you think is the most soothing sound?
Car traffic echoing off cliffs, the lapping of water against the shore, a calm breeze over hills, baby snores.... I was talking to young friend of mine over the weekend and we both said how much the sound of distant trains through open windows at night makes us feel safe.

In reality, I think this answer is very specific to where you felt safe and calm as a child. For instance, in the summers as a child I went to sleep listening to stock car races about a mile away. I wouldn't really call that a soothing sound...and yet, it is. For me.
Does time heal all wounds?
Depends on your definition of healing. I think time does cover the immediate pain of the wound, but I also think that some things, if left untreated, will fester like worms and never properly be healed. And some wounds cause blood poisoning.

I do, emphatically, believe that time wounds all heels, though.

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