Monday, September 24, 2007

Curious as a Cat

(Link at left)

1) When was the best time, or what was the best experience, you've had with a sibling?
I had a really good conversation with my brother on the phone yesterday. He was less obstreporous than usual, more reflective, and it reminded me why I do love him so. He's da bomb, although his son is unhappy with him right now for 'being mean.' (My nephew is 23...yeah, in need of major Reality Therapy.) I've had too many good sibling experiences to recount. I'm just very, very grateful today for having had the opportunity for them. Then again, if they were all here in my house, I'd probably want to kill them all. Families are weird, aren't they?
2) When do you feel the loneliest?
When I'm very down on myself, hating that I'm stuck in a bad rut and unable to pull myself together enough to climb out. In short, when I feel unloved and unlovable.
3) If a one-year period of your diary were to be published with your name attached, what year would you prefer?
I have not been the most consistent diary-keeper over time, so this is rather tricky. I guess it would have to be one of the early ones, since the entries are brief to the point of absurdity, and most of the time I wasn't being snotty about people. Except Mom. sigh.... OK, so I'm choosing 1974.
4) What has been the biggest accomplishment of your life (so far)?
I have absolutely no idea, and please refer to #2 as part of my response to this question.
5) Show and Tell. What comes to mind first when you see this picture? Or, tell a story if it reminds you of one.
Well, since this is a photo of the big bookshelf in our kitchen, what it reminds me of is that we have accrued a lot of books in two years, so it's a good thing Beast just finished working on the bookshelf of my parents' that he has been restoring and brought it in last week! The two bottom shelves in this photo are are COPMLETELY full of books, with more stacked on top. [BAD LIBRARIAN!] The bottom is all Bibles now, and Bible study-type things, and the one above is full of books that are different from those in the photo. The ones next to the stuffed Beast are now in the dining room on Sparky's former bookshelf.

The picture also reminds me of how much I l o v e that bookshelf. It is 6 shelves high, and two wide: a full wall. The original floorplan was for it to be the pantry, but I wanted a real pantry (which is the size of the powder room), and this was a better use of the space, anyway. Much prettier.

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