Monday, September 17, 2007

Manic Monday

(Link at left)

If you could enter a racehorse in the Kentucky Derby, what would you name your horse?
I couldn't afford a horse of this caliber!! :-) So I'd probably have to name him Lottery Winnings.
What famous person, whom many people find attractive, is most unappealing to you?*
SOOOO many! I'll go with Patrick Dempsey, but keep in mind I've never seen the show he's so freakin' McDreamy on. {Grammar is not my friend today!}
Which foreign country are you least interested in visiting?
Of those I haven't seen, Egypt. I'd like to go back to Greece, and I will be back in the UK again, I'm sure.

*OK, I am la stupid today: I TOTALLY didn't read this right! So, my answer is really wrong: Egypt is someplace I DO want to visit!!

My actual answer to the actual question is anyplace in southeast Asia primarily on account of the climate and my lack of any knowledge or interest in the history there. My fault, I'm bad and should edumacate myself, but in the interest of honesty, since I balled this up so badly, I feel I should lay out the gospel here.

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