From Kwizgiver.....
1. To whom did you last give the finger? I know it wasn't a "whom." It was a "what." I was having some problem or other with packaging or wrapping or something and threw up my hands and then flipped off whatever it was. And then looked to see if Sparky was around to see me being stupid. ;-)
2. If you had 1,000 dollars, what would you buy? A couple of new pairs of trousers for work, and the rest would go for coats for the homeless. Winter is coming!
3. What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? Probably DP. Or water. I tend towards spillage too often for me to keep track, to be honest.
4. Are you different now than you were 6 months ago? Let me go look at 6 months ago in my blog...
...well, that took longer than expected...I was on Spring Break in Colorado with Sparky. Bummer. I'm different in the sense that I need a vacation like that again, but also because instead of looking ahead toward warmer days, I'm facing winter. U G H!!
5. Have you kissed a girl in the last three days? Best I can remember was hugs all around at youth group yesterday, from the girls. No kisses.
6. What was the last photograph you took? Off the front porch this morning. A project. Big secret. Shhhhh!!
7. Where were you last night around 9:30? Watching the Bears lose. Yay!!
8. What do you think of guys that wear eyeliner? I think...well, actually, I don't really care as long as it's worn well. The smeary, quarter-inch wide crayon look doesn't really work for me on boys or girls.
9. How many hours did you last sleep? 6. Almost to the minute.
10. Who was the last person to whom you spoke on the phone for over an hour and a half? Wow. Well, I'd have to look at the phone bill. It might be Jenny. It might be family, maybe Elizabeth. I know Beast would have a snap answer to this: his folks. He talks to them every week for at least an hour. He's such a good role model for Sparky! ;-)
11. 50 Cent shows up at your door, what do you do? Er...that would be pretty damn weird, and honestly, if he showed up alone, I probably wouldn't recognize him. If he showed up with his posse (are they still called that?), I'm sure SOMEone in the neighborhood would have called the police before they all arrived at my door; the traffic pattern would be all fubar'd, and yes, there are not a lot of black people in the immediate vicinity (just a lot of sexual perverts--maybe R. Kelly is should move to this area....sigh).
12. How was the last egg you ate prepared? Oh, I REALLY wanted an egg yesterday morning at breakfast! Beast was going to give me his, but I'm trying to watch the cholesterol (and the calories), so I just had a bagel. {pout} I'm sure the last egg was on a Egg'a'Muffin (yeah).
13. Where did you last wear sunglasses? This morning, in the car. It was a lovely late summer/early fall day today. Tomorrow: rain.
14. Ever worn your underwear backwards? Uh, no. Not...just, no.
15. Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? Without a doubt, it was my mother-in-law, though I was just recently SOMEwhere surrounded by a large number of smokers, and rather surprised about it. Where WAS that.....?
16. Does it bother you when people put && before every sentence and ;; after? Huh? Never, ever have seen this. I'm becoming very annoyed at the sheer number of ellipses I use, however. I seem to have gotten them at a fire sale and can't stop using them!!
17. What animal did you last pet or hold? Buddy, but not for weeks. Sigh. I hateHATEHATE allergies!!
18. What was the last law you broke? The last one I know about has to be either speeding or lax turn-signalling. I'm sure we all break multiple laws every day, without knowing. So far, though, I've stuck with the law of gravity every single day! So there.
19. What are you wearing? Army green shorts and a blue T-shirt with large mosquitoes on it that proclaims "Winter Sucks!"
20. What did you last drink? Water.
21. What was the last newspaper you read or skimmed? Online: the local daily rag.
In print: last week's local daily, on Thursday.
22. What was the last word written on your hand? Either a shopping list or an appointment. I do this all the time.
23. What was the last hair product you used? I don't use "product" in my hair (see commentary at #17), so it would either be the hairband I put in it half an hour ago or my hands pushing my bangs out of the way.
24. What was the last text message you received? Oh, hell, I dunno. Something ridiculous from Beast, I'm sure!
25. What was the last medication (Rx or OTC) you took? The antibiotic that is supposed to be making my eyes better. And now it feels stuck about 4 inches above my stomach. I hate tetracycline.
26. Who was the last person to make you really laugh? Sparky. Maybe Amy. Can't remember when I read my email in relation to talking to the Sparkster.
27. To what song did you last sing along? Styx, "Wanted Man"
28. What was the last musical instrument played in your presence? Possibly the piano at church yesterday, but I'm not sure I was in the room for any of the hymns. Yesterday was train-wreck-like. Otherwise, probably Sparky on his clarinet.
29. What was the last superstitious thing you did? Knocked wood. It's about the only superstitious thing I think I do.
30. How is your love life going? Well, let's see: I'm 21-plus years married, my husband travels a lot (he's gone again this week), and I've felt like a potato bug for a month.
And with that, I think we should say goodnight, Gracie.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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