Saturday, August 25, 2007

Saturday 8

(Link at left)
medical anomalies
when was the last time you...

1. ...went to the doctor? why did you have to go?
I took Sparky for his school physical last Thursday: does that count? And I'll be going to see the NP on Monday about my stupid eyes. Before that...I saw the dr. just before we left on vacation because I wanted to have a prophylactic cortisone taper scrip to take with me just in case. Didn't need it, thank God.
2. ...had surgery? for what?
Just about exactly 10-1/2 years ago when things 'sploded inside of me.
3. ...visited someone in the hospital? who was it?
I'm pretty sure the last time was Katherine last January. Unless nursing homes count, in which case Mom in March.
4. took a prescription medication? for what?
3:00 today, eyedrops. I'm holding out for another half hour before I dose up again for the night.
5. ...injured any part of your body? what were you doing?
It's possible this eye thing is an injury; I don't know. I don't know what from, but I do know when things got really bad: last Sunday night around 8:30 p.m. Before that...I can't think of anything really awful unless you count bad posture + tension that requires attention from a licensed massage therapist.
6. ...ate something that gave you food poisoning? what was it?
I don't remember. It's been awhile; I've got an iron stomach at least in terms of food poisoning. The first week we were in this house, though, I ate bad apple pie and spent a night in the bathroom throwing up.
7. ...had a cold/allergies?
... grrrrrr Constantly. I think I need to move to Costa Rica for the months of August and September every year.
8. ...did NOT heed a doctor's advice? what did you ignore/do differently?
I've reached the point that I actually trust all my current doctors. I guess the only thing I'm having trouble doing right now is watching what I eat, both generally and in terms of cholesterol content.

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