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You wake up as the opposite gender, what's the one thing you do? Judging by the men I've known, if I've just wakened up at age 43...I get up and go to the bathroom.
Who did you last hug? Beast.
Have you ever crawled through a window? Yep. Last summer, in fact.
Where is your mom? Undoubtedly, she's in bed.
Morning or night person? I prefer mornings, but I'm becoming slightly more of a nightowl over the past few years.
What was the last movie you watched? Oceans 13
Any cool scars? I've got a doozy on my abdomen.
Things about the opposite sex you notice first. Eyes. Smile. General body shape. (I wonder how many different answers I've given for this question...)
Have you ever been in love? Yes. Coupla times.
What is your curfew? I'd like it to be about 9 p.m., but life keeps interfering.
Would you ever dye your hair red? I do every 5 or 6 weeks (a little). Going tomorrow, in fact.
What's your worst personality flaw? Flakiness.
What career would you wish to be in? Professional volunteer, independently wealthy.
Which country would you like to visit? For the first time: Australia. Right now: anyplace warm and non-humid.
Do you want a well paying job or a job you enjoy? I'm sticking with a job I enjoy.
Have you dated someone older? Yes.
What did you wear today? White roll-up clamdiggers, sweatshirt gray tank under a coral V-neck shirt. White shoes. Earrings. Hair in a braid.
When were you last on the phone? Beast, from work.
What were the shoes you wore today? White, heeled flip-flops.
Do you like math? I like arithmetic, not theoretical stuff.
How about History? ...er, yeah. A bit. I majored in it, and read lots of history for fun.
Have you ever seen 5 squirrels at one time? ...er, what...? Possibly...? Maybe? I haven't really ever counted.
Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No. God was wise in this decision.
Do you have a brother? Yup.
Who's your favorite person to talk to online? ...I'm not all that fussy...but Amy & I have fun IMing.
Have you ever used photobucket? Nope. (But I just remembered that I need to download my vacay pictures tomorrow, so thanks for the reminder.
Do you like hugs? I like hugs from people I know and like. I don't like hugs from strangers.
Do you want to be a doctor? Not at this stage of the game, though I've been Dr. Mom for many years.
Have you ever fallen asleep with gum in your mouth? Yeah. Not at all a good move.
What do you do right before you go to bed? I "go to bed" usually three or four times before I actually stay in bed for the rest of the night: forgot to brush my teeth, forgot my book, forgot.... etc.
Right when you get out of bed? ...er, I've actually found that using coherent grammar is much more useful in formulating questions in these surveys...
Longest relationship? That would be with my mom: 43 years and counting. Of those I've chosen: my friendship with Laura: c. 1970 to now.
Do you want to be famous? In absolutely no way whatsoever.
Do you do your own laundry? No. Beast does most of it for me. For all of us.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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