The first dimension is Extroversion [and I'd just like to say that I'm glad to know that some people writing these tests still know how to spell the damn word!]. People with a relatively low score in this dimension could be considered aloof and quiet. Relatively high scorers are outgoing and enthusiastic, often termed 'Wanderers' by personality experts.
Your score was: Medium LowOK, that seems right....The second dimension is Neuroticism. The lower your score the more emotionally stable you will be. High scorers are prone to stress and will be categorised as 'Worriers'.
Your score was: Relatively HighAbsofuckinglutely.The third dimension is Conscientiousness. Relatively high scorers will be organised, but can also be quite rigid and inflexible. They will often be seen as 'Controllers'; on the other hand a relatively low score can indicate that although spontaneous you can be careless.
Your score was: Medium HighSemi-organized, semi-control freaky, semi-flexible...that's me.The fourth dimension is Agreeableness. Relatively high scorers are trusting and would be classified as 'Empathizers', very people-focused and sociable. Having a relatively low score indicates that you are not at all focussed on other people.
Your score was: Medium HighYup.The fifth dimension is Openness. High scorers in this dimensions are usually imaginative and eccentric, open to different experiences. They are often termed the 'Poets' by personality experts. Relatively low scorers are practical and grounded and can be relied upon. However they can be closed to new experiences.
Your score was: Medium HighReally? That's a bit of a shock, actually. Not that I totally disagree, but I usually end up on the practical end of that scale.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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