Monday, July 16, 2007

Curious as a Cat

(Link at left)

If you discovered you had only one month to live, what would you do and who would you tell first?
First, I'd make sure my will and post-death affairs were in order, plan the funeral, etc. I'd tell Beast first of course. Then we'd tell Sparky together. And then I'd probably do a lot of writing or videoing, or blogging, to get everything down that needed to be said to others. I would also cry a lot.
Tell the truth: how do you feel about overweight people?
When I was skinny and it was easy to be skinny, I had a problem with overweight people. Now that I'm decidedly NOT skinny and finding it very difficult to be thinner--and also related to a lot of overweight people, I'm less judgmental. I do have issues about people who are really large, especially when I see them downing thousands of calories at a sitting, but.... Well, there but for the grace of God go I. And I noticed the last time we were overseas that Americans really are ginormous compared to (most) Europeans. What a thing to stand out for!
What guidelines do you think should exist for gun control?
I think background checks--thorough ones--should be required, whether they take minutes or weeks, for the purchase of all guns. I think there is no earthly reason for having more than two or three guns. If you are a collector, there's no reason to have ammo for the collectible guns, right? I think if you've been convicted of a violent crime, you should never, ever, be allowed near guns again. I think people who trade in guns (or any other killing machines, i.e., mines) in the black market should be imprisoned for the rest of their natural lives, and then some. For a clearer, more impassioned view of my feelings, these lyrics will help:
Warmongers, kill yourselves
Demonstrate the power of the product
That you're trying to sell
Gun wavers, shoot yourselves
Make a big hole in your head with a shiny shell
What's wrong with that kind of vision?
What's wrong with that kind of world?
If I suffered less from indecision
I'd stand on that platform myself
Chickenhawks, there's a cell
Down in hell, where you may fight aswell
If I may paraphrase John Lennon
Why fill this world with more pain and fear?
To every budding Mark Chapman
I offer these words most sincere
Warmongers, kill yourselves
Demonstrate the power of the product
That you're trying to sell
Gun wavers, shoot yourselves
Make a big hole in your head with a shiny shell
Do it yourself

The Proclaimers, "D.I.Y."

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