Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Blogdrive Insanity

(Link at left)
Today is Wiener Day....

1. What's your favorite kind of wiener - all beef, beef and pork, brat or veggie?
I'm not really a sausage-y person. I'll eat hot dogs (and I prefer Kosher dogs). Even though I lived in Wisconsin, I really don't like 'wurst, brat- or other, but I'll eat the occasional Italian or brat. VERY occasional. I really do not like Polish, however.
2. What do you like on your wiener?
Everything but chili and sweet pickle relish works for me, or just ketchup & mustard.
3. How do you like your wiener cooked - grilled, boiled, steamed, fried, or some other way?
Grilled. Is there another way?? :-) OK, I occasionally boil the dogs, too, but usually just in winter.
4. The Wiener was named after the city of Vienna, Austria. Who's your favorite person who comes from that city?
It sure isn't Freud. How about Strauss....the waltz dude.

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