Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Loaded Questions


Hypotheticals: If 50 people in your age group were selected randomly, how many do you think you would find leading a happier life than yours?
Mabye 10 or so?
Anything Goes: What nasty habits do you have?
I don't always rinse (or wash) spoons I use at work, just lick them off thoroughly and toss them back in my desk drawer for next time.

There are other bad habits (nail-biting, anyone?), but I'm not in a very sharing mood this evening.
No-Brainers: What is/was your worst subject in high school?
I struggled with the minutiae of science: for instance, cells bore me, though I love anatomy.
Personals: What is the grossest thing you have ever done in public?
I'm assuming this discounts anything done as a very small child? I can't think of anything particularly gross, beyond basic lack of (plumbing) facilities in the mountains, but I don't think peeing in the woods with no one within 30 feet of me counts as "public." If hospitals count, childbirth is certainly pretty damn gross!

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