Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Work Dog

Apparently, PsychoBoss was right...
Cat., you're a Jack Russell Terrier

As a Jack Russell Terrier, you have a surprisingly competitive nature — even if it isn't obvious to others. You're not one to sit idly by in a meeting. You want to make sure your ideas get in front of your superiors and that your opinions are heard.

If you run out of time in a meeting you're not shy about finding other venues to get your point across — the lunch room, the water cooler, whatever. Chances are when you do so, you communicate your point in a relaxed comfortable way.

The thing is, you just don't believe in keeping your emotions to yourself and are quick to let others know how you feel. Lucky for you, you can do so in a friendly manner because you've forged good enough relationships with others at work. You can also get away with it, because you, unlike others, are good at separating the time you spend with colleagues from the time you need to think and come up with your brilliant ideas. Sure group brainstorms are great, but you also do some of your best stuff when left to your own devices — when you can synthesize comments and come up with your own thoughts. Once your part of the job is done, look out.

With your mischievous and playful personality you probably enjoy making others laugh. Most Jack Russell Terriers immediately lighten the mood with their presence. But underneath that lighthearted surface is a determined and strong personality. Despite your energetic disposition, you can be protective of your turf. If challenged, you can even become combative. But all in all, you are a valuable team member who brings fresh ideas to the company with your complex and entertaining character.

Of these characteristics, what sets you and other Jack Russell Terriers apart from different breeds is a combination of three factors:

Your level of dominance: Your Alpha/Beta factor.
Your need for affiliation: Your desire to associate with colleagues.
Your temperament: How much you wear your heart on your sleeve.
There's a lot more in the results, but I don't see leaving a 2,000 word post here. Suffice to say that this is pretty accurate, and others have called me a terrier, so it must be obvious. ;-)

Oh, and this is interesting:
Dogs Most Similar to You:
1. Pug
2. Great Dane
3. Border Collie
Dogs Least Similar to You:
1. Labrador
2. German Shepherd
3. Golden Retriever
Dogs You Are Least Likely to Get Along With:
1. German Shepherd
2. Border Collie
3. Great Dane
Oh, well.

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