Sunday, June 3, 2007


[swiped from Kwizgiver]

Would You Survey
Would you eat a bug?No. Unequivacably. Unless I was literally starving.
Would you bungee jump?Sure.
Would you hang glide?Sure.
Would you kill someone?Not unless they messed with my family.
Would you kiss someone of the same sex?Presumably we are talking about sexual kissing. If so, then no.
Would you parachute from a plane?Sure.
Would you walk on hot coals?Nope.
Would you be a vegitarian?Nope.
Would you instant message a stranger?Nope. I supposed there could be extenuating circs, but generally, no.
Would you sing karaoke?Nope.
Would you run a red light?I have. It was stupid, and I was lucky. On the other hand, I'd do it in a heartbeat at 3 a.m. with absolutely no other cars on the road.
Would you shoplift?Nope. Again, I have and it was stupid (and I was, like, 10).
Would you dye your hair blue?Eh, probably not. At least not until I'm old enough to have blue hair.
Would you be on survivorI wouldn't last long enough, nor would they have me anyway.
Would you wear make-up in public?Well, yeah. ??
Would you not wear make-up in public?I do this all the time!
Would you cheat on a test?Depends on the test. Probably not.
Would you make someone cry?Have done. Many times.
Would you date someone more than 10 years older than you?Probably not at this point!
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Pool OR Jacuzzi : Hot tub (I'm not fussy about brand)
Ocean OR Pool : Ocean, though I'm stipulating WARM water!
Ice cream OR popsicles : Popsicles
Lemonade OR iced tea : Lemonade. REAL lemonade! Ditto tea: I don't like it as much, but it has to be REAL tea.
Tennis shoes OR flip flops: Totally depends on what I'm doing. Walking: sneakers. Virtually anything else: sandals. Laying around: flip-flops.
Fans OR Air conditioning : a/c
Sprinklers OR slip n slide : Sprinkler. My relatives prefer to call the other option here "Slip and Break-Your-Arm"
Water Balloon fight OR Water gun fight : Guns. Balloons take too long to fill up!

Y O U R F A V O R I T E S U M M E R . . .

Drink : Water, or pop. Or frozen Stoli (which is a misnomer, but anyway) on ice
Food : Fresh fruit and veggies, especially corn!
Song : Just about anything by the Beach Boys, "Summertime" by Will Smith (in his former life), and "How Bizarre" by whoever it was who did that.
Hang out : Galena
Camp: I don't camp. It's against my religion.
Holiday : I like the 4th of July when it's on a weekend, otherwise [Cartoon Character] Days (local festival).
Vacation: Maine if we just want to laze around. Driving vacation otherwise.

L A S T S U M M E R :

Where did you go : Mississippi and Galena
Who did you hang with? Youth Group and friends
Did you do anything illegal : Probably broke the speed limit, and I ate too much.
Did you go to a concert? Nope.
What was your best memory : Mississippi was amazing: Mr. Jimmy and the D'Iberville volunteeers were such great people to get to know. Best memories of Galena was the house and the new pool building, and the gorgeous dude poolside one day.

T H I S S U M M E R :

Where are you going : Minnesota and Tennessee
Name five things you're most looking forward to this summer :
1. Getting to know the youth group better
2. Working and playing hard with them
3. Seeing Kentucky and West Virginia (I can tick them off the list--w00-h00)
4. Elizabeth's wedding
5. Warm weather

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