Sunday, June 3, 2007

Situation Sunday

(Link at left)

1} You are on a hike with 5 other friends. You come to a bridge over a ravine, The bridge is made up of 2 ropes and wood planks. Two of your friends have already crossed and are on the opposite side, you go to cross and the rope on the left breaks away from one side, and then breaks away from the right side on the opposite end. What do you do?
The sensible thing: stay put. I suppose it would depend on the climate, the wind conditions, and how far each side of the bridge was from civilization, though. If it was relatively calm weather, but cold and the other side was closer to help, I'd crawl across very carefully. Otherwise, I'd just hike back to the trailhead.
2} A person you have been dating a long time, or your spouse, decides that they need more creativity in the bedroom. Where do you draw the line from kinky to totally far-fetched?
Far to the nearer side of adding anyone else to the population of the bedroom. Otherwise, I'm pleading the Fifth on this one.
3}You and your spouse have separated after a rather lengthy marriage/relationship of 20 years. The other party was at fault. You have always gotten along with the "in laws", to the point that they have made you a Godparent. Now after the split, you become the bad one to most of them. If there was a significant death of a close in law, Do you attend the funeral?
If the person who died was someone with whom I was close at one time, yes. I would probably come in a little late and leave a little early, and sit in the back, and maybe not even sign the guest book.

If there really wasn't any way to do this discreetly, I'd say my goodbyes elsewhere. Why intrude on their grief? I can mourn on my own terms.

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