Sunday, June 3, 2007

Fear Survey

Patrick mentioned it, from here before him

[ ] - the dark
[ ] - staying single forever
[ ] - being a parent
[ ] - giving birth (only in the sense that it would mean something had gone terribly wrong)
[ ] - being myself in front of others
[ ] - open spaces
[ ] - closed spaces
[ ] - heights
[ ] - black cats (only from the allergy standpoint)
[ ] - dogs (ditto above)
[x] - birds (don't care for them flying close over my head...early exposure to "The Birds", I think...the story, not the movie)
[ ] - fish
[ ] - spiders (I think a healthy fear poisonous of spiders is normal, but there aren't any where I live, to speak of)
[ ] - driving or being in cars
[ ] - flying
[ ] - flowers or other plants
[ ] - being touched
[ ] - fire
[X] - deep water
[X] - the ocean
[X] - failure
[ ] - success
[ ] - thunder/lightning
[ ] - frogs/toads
[ ] - my boyfriends/girlfriends husband's dad (I love my father-in-law!)
[ ] - my boyfriends/girlfriends husband's mum (see above)
[ ] - my ex boyfriends/girlfriends dad (never met any previous boyfriends' families)
[ ] - my ex boyfriends/girlfriends mum (see above)
[ ] - mice/rats
[ ] - jumping from high places
[ ] - snow
[ ] - rain
[ ] - wind
[ ] - crossing hanging bridges
[ ] - death
[ ] - Heaven (why be afraid of heaven? isn't hell scarier?)
[ ] - being robbed
[ ] - cotton balls
[ ] - cemeteries
[ ] - clowns
[X] - large crowds
[ ] - men
[ ] - women
[ ] - having great responsibility
[ ] - doctors, including dentists
[X] - tornadoes
[ ] - hurricanes (if I lived someplace where there was a chance of them, I'm sure I would be)
[x] - diseases (some specific ones, not all)
[ ] - snakes
[X] - sharks
[ ] - Friday the 13th
[ ] - ghosts
[x] - poverty
[ ] - Halloween
[ ] - school
[ ] - trains or railroads
[ ] - odd numbers
[ ] - even numbers
[ ] - being alone
[x] - being blind
[ ] - being deaf
[ ] - growing up
[ ] - monsters under my bed
[ ] - creepy noises in the night
[ ] - bees
[ ] - not accomplishing my dreams/goals
[X] - needles
[ ] - blood
[ ] - veins
[ ] - dinosaurs if they were alive (but they aren't....)
[ ] - the welcome mat

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