Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday's a Bitch

(Link at left)
They started a theme last month, but I didn't get the feeds until last week for some reason. I'm starting with the May 20th one and will work forward as time allows.

1. What makes you blush?
Virtually everything, just ask Amy! :-) I have very fair skin and apparently capillaries that live close to the surface. I can't drink more than a half-glass of wine without turning red.
2. What was your worst sunburn?
I've had so many.... The two I remember most are the one I got in Puerta Vallarta when I was 16 and the one I got in Ouray when I was about 23. The PV one was beachy--the only beach sun I've ever gotten, and it was March, so I was REALLY pale. I got less than someone else who fell asleep and literally burned so badly she was orange two days later. Yoicks! The Ouray one was on the 4th of July in about 1988. I was wearing a halter and my shoulders got fried during the water fights.
3. If you had to wear a vial of someone else's blood around your neck, whose would you choose?
Well, first off, I wouldn't. Secondly, I think things like this should be banned; what if it broke in public? Thirdly, there is literally no one I know that would make this request of me, so...moot point, I guess.
4. What's your favourite Red Hot Chili Peppers song?
I like the one Weird Al parodied with the Flintstones, but that's why I like the's really the video, and it makes me laugh. I have no idea what the song is, frankly. They are just past my years of glomming onto every new fad/band, so I never really got into them.
5. Where (other than home, cause that's not inventive) would your ruby slippers take you?

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