Monday, June 18, 2007

Mundane Monday

(Link at left)
5 Favorite Dishes
I'm not sure if this is favorites I make, or favorites I eat (or for that matter, favorites from which I eat!), so I'll go with ones I make since that's a much smaller pool from which to draw

  1. Macaroni & cheese--I made this last night for Father's Day. Beast made the brats (gehhhk). Sometimes I cut up hot dogs and toss 'em in the mac&chee. I have two different recipes for this dish, but Beast prefers the easy one from my mom. The other one is creamier and has veggies in it. Shlurp--I prefer that one but it takes longer to make.
  2. Firehouse lasagna--from my brother's days as a firefighter. Really yummy. But rather complicated, and needs lots of special ingredients that I don't usually have around the house.
  3. Leftovers Risotto--I created this, if you want to call it a creation, when we were broke and I was staying home with Sparky while Beast worked. It's just what it says: whatever is in Tupperware from the last few meals--green beans, chicken, etc.--dumped together with (cooked) rice, spices and some cheese. Always different, sometimes really not very good, but EASY!
  4. Thanksgiving dinner--Beast and I totally rock at this meal. We cook the turkey, mash up 5 pounds of potatoes, heat up corn and green beans, bake rolls, mix up stuffing, plonk the tubular cranberry product onto a pretty plate, ditto with relish (olives, pickles, etc.), open some wine....and somehow it all ends up being ready to eat at the same time. Eventually, I will get around to making the pies from scratch the evening before. Oh, yeah: if you want squash or yams, you'll have to bring 'em yourself. We don't do those.
  5. Speaking of pies, I do make good apple pies. The first one I made turned out great, and I've never had issues since then either. I'm fussy about what kind of apples I use (the tarter, the better) and I never make my own crust (long family story there), but really, the hard part is just peeling all the apples. There are a couple of 'secrets' I use, but they really aren't that secret. I should remember to make a couple of pies when the apples start coming in later this summer.

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