Monday, June 18, 2007

Manic Monday

(Link at left)
2 weeks' worth

June 11
What celebrity crushes did you have when you were growing up?
Oh, my, I had a whole spiral notebook with a chart that I checked every month (are you sensing early cataloging skills at the fore here??). Let's see: Larry Wilcox from "CHiPs", Tom Wopat from "Dukes of Hazzard", Greg...uh, something from that trucker show with the monkey ("BJ & the Bear"?), Rick Springfield (that hasn't changed much), Billy Joel (ditto), Barry, Andy, and Maurice Gibb (NOT Robin--eeeuuwwww!!), John Travolta for about ten minutes, Parker Stevenson...and manymanymany more.
What cartoon character best describes you?
I think I pretty much have to go with Daffy Duck.
Complete this statement “I recommend…” (it can be a TV show, book, movie, website, activity, restaurant, etc.)
"...watching RHPS at least once or twice every few years and doing all the audience participation possible without trashing your house (or the theater)."

June 18
Do you listen to music regularly? What's your favorite way to listen-- radio, CD, iPod...?
My favorite way of listening to music is Launchcast, though I really enjoyed having satellite radio in the van we rented last week. The common denominator: NO ADS! I don't mind Jack FM, though I get 80's-ed out pretty quick. I like CDs, but I get tired of the ones I listen to most (another sign that I'm not a teen anymore). One of these days I'll actually use my MP3 player and then I'll probably be addicted to it. Probably why I haven't used it yet, actually. Too easy to fall for something new.
When listening to music do you tend to focus more on the lyrics or the melody?
"Good beat, easy to dance to: I give it 91." I do listen primarily for melody or beat or production, but if the lyrics suck, I can do without. Frankly, this is a big reason why I'm not fond of rap: the 'songs' all seem to be stuck in one or two basic ruts, neither of which I can relate to. In other words, grow up!!
If you had to pick a theme song to sum up your life right now, what would it be?
"Every Move I Make" by David Ruis.

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