Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday Madness

(Link at left)
2 weeks' worth, again

June 11
1. Do you listen to the radio, or a CD, when you're driving in your car/truck/SUV?
I mostly listen to books on CD in the car anymore; radio absolutely does not cut it for me very often, and I'm tired of my CDs.
2. Do you have one of those GPS systems in your vehicle?
Yes. I got a Garmin for Mother's Day in 2006. It rocks. I recommend it VERY highly.
3. About how many miles do you put on your vehicle in a month?
I'd estimate, loosely, about 1,000. I fill the gas tank up at about 300 miles and I do that about every week.
4. Do you have your oil changed regularly?
Yes I do. I have a mechanic in-house who takes care of it.
5. Do you take your vehicle to a car wash or do you wash it at home?
We take it to the car wash. I'd kind of prefer to do it at home, but I'm too lazy to actually get to it often enough.
6. How often do you have the inside of your vehicle cleaned? Do you do it yourself or do you pay someone to do it?
The inside of my car never gets that dirty, though occasionally it is cluttered beyond belief. However, cleaning it a couple of times a year is sufficient, and there's no WAY I'd pay someone to do it...unless I was selling the car and really wanted it done right.
7. What is the color of your vehicle?
The outside is dark green with pinstriping on the doors. The inside is dark gray and black.

June 18
1. In your opinion, what is the perfect summer daytime temperature?
This is dependent on the humidity. If there is any, the highest comfortable temperature (in the sun) for me is about 90. However, if you take away the moisture, I'm good up to about 100, or more.
2. What is the perfect nighttime temperature?
Again, humidity is a huge factor here. If it is humid, then the best temp is in the 60s. If it's dry, then 60s up to the mid-70s works.
3. Do you plant many flowers around your yard?
I plant perennials as much as possible to prevent the need to redo the landscaping every year. In the past, I've always gone and dropped a ton of money on annuals every spring, but no more. They almost always die while we're on vacation.
4. How much lawn do you have to mow? Do you enjoy mowing lawn?
I have not mowed (mown?) the lawn in decades. Yuck. If it were up to me to deal with it, we'd have prairie grasses and zen rock gardens.
5. Of the summer months, which is your favorite?
August. The hotter, the better! And I actually LOVE the sound of crickets chirping. And sweet corn starts appearing at roadside stands. Yum.
6. Do you take a long vacation each summer?
I think as long as we are youth group leaders at our church, we will be tied to two short trips each summer: one for the kids, and one for us. I'd prefer one long one, but that's the trade-off.
7. Is summer your favorite season? If so, why? If not, why not?
I really do like summer a lot. However, my favorite season is fall, with summer close behind. Fall just has better scenery and smells.

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