Monday, June 18, 2007

Curious as a Cat

(Link at left)

In your opinion, who do you think would benefit most from meditation?
Everyone. Sorry. I just can't narrow it down. I think everyone needs to take time to relax and think about things more often.
What is your favorite characteristic in girls/women?
I guess it would have to be the ability facilitate others. I'm trying to think of something organic, not something taught. If I were sure the kindness/compassion and multitasking aspects were nature (not nurture), I might pick one of those. Actually, I'm not sure how organic the facilitation thing is; I'm trying to get to the concept of group-work rather than individualism.
If you were 6 inches tall for a day, what would you do?
Can't wait to hear other answers for this! Uhm, what would I do? I'd probably do a LOT of eavesdropping on other people's conversations, whether I wanted to or not.

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