Thursday, June 21, 2007

Friday 5

(Link at left)
Fad to the Bone

1. What’s something you were into before it became popular?
Uh-oh, the first question and I'm already in trouble.... I don't do things because they are popular but I'm virtually NEVER the first to do things either. So I can't think of anything, really. I was into "social networking" (i.e. chatting, etc.) long before the Internet was the World Wide Web, but I was certainly not the only one. Does that count?
2. What’s something you were reluctant to jump on the bandwagon with, but now are totally into?
I just signed up for Facebook, and so far it seems pretty manageable. In any case, it is LOADS better than MySpace, kind of like Macy's is better than Wal-Mart. That is mostly for family and co-workers, however, so I don't think there will be a lot of back-and-forth traffic between Blogger and Facebook for me.
3. What’s a current trend or fad you just don’t get?
Rude cell phone use. Why do people have to be so incredibly retarded?
4. If you could turn any current fondness of yours into a popular trend, what would it be?
How does one make sleep a trend?
5. What’s something that’s totally uncool that you love anyway?
So many things: Star Trek (TOS & TNG and some of DS9), Laura Ingalls Wilder, stupid jokes, marching bands...really, the list is endless.

All Aboard!

1.If you get the first choice of Monopoly tokens, which do you choose? If someone else chooses it first, which is your second choice?
I like either the iron or the shoe, primarily because no one else usually wants either of them.
2. What’s a board game you are especially bad at?
Uhm, I rock at almost every board game! I love 'em, and can't stand playing them unless I'm playing with someone else who loves 'em. That being said, I don't get the attraction of chess. Or checkers for that matter, though I'm at least passably good at the latter.
3. What board game are you particularly good at?
Trivial Pursuit, though I can't find anyone with whom to play anymore.
4. How competitive do you get while playing board games or party games?
I'm very competitive; I really hate to lose anything, especially board games. People being stupid while playing really irritate the hell outta me, too.
5. What’s your favorite board game? What’s a board game you can’t stand?
My favorite is probably either TP or Life, and I would gladly live the rest of my life without ever playing Candyland again.

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