Thursday, June 21, 2007

Thursday Threesome

(Link at left)
::Crazy with the heat!::
June 14

Onesome: Crazy-- things happen with the heat; is there anything strange happening yet where you live?
Well, the cicadas have left, after depositing their children in the care of our trees for the next 17 years. No pressure. Otherwise, just the usual round of Summer Reading Program weirdness and pre-vacation goofiness.
Twosome: with the-- changing seasons,.how does your wardrobe change? No, we're not trolling for the pervs; let's stick with outerware...
Short sleeves and clamdiggers or capris, no coat (yay!), and sunglasses. Well, ok, I wear sunglasses in the winter too, but it's more fun in the summer.
Threesome: heat!-- Okay, what is "heat" to you? When do you figure it's time so stay out of the sun and cool off?
Once we're into the 90s, I'm feeling it, but I'm good up to 100 unless there is humidity too.

::Laundry Stain Removal::
June 21

Onesome: Laundry-- Ah, the relaxing way to spend a day, -eh? ...or not. "Laundry, bane or boon?", the question of the week!
I hate laundry! It's impossible to be completely caught up--when everything is clean and folded, there's already more accumulating. And so many steps: sort, wash, dry, fold, sort again (unless you live alone), put away. And remake the beds. Yaccckkkkkkkkk.
Twosome: Stain--Okay, we'll work on cleaning this Thursday: what's your best stain removal tip? (Mark, "buying a new shirt" does not count...)
I put Shout (or whatever we have in the house) on it ASAP. There are sticks and sprays right next to the laundry baskets in our room as well as by the washer. Sparky's on his own. Someday he'll notice that he's all spotted, but right now he couldn't possibly care less. Anyway, if I catch it a stain when I put it in the basket and treat it then, there is plenty of time for it to work itself out.
Threesome: Removal-- So you're doing dishes (presuming you don't nuke everything on paper plates and use plastic utensils): what's the hardest food to remove from day to day stuff (cookware doesn't count {g}!).
Egg. Pasta gunk is no fun either, but microwaved egg is the WORST!

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