Thursday, June 21, 2007

Friday Fifteen

(Link at left)
Fifteen things I love about (or love to do in) Summer!

  2. Just a more relaxed vibe around me
  3. Summer Reading Program at the library. Even though it's also a giant PitA!
  4. Vacations
  5. Going barefoot. I have always preferred not to have shoes on.
  6. Fresh fruits and veggies.
  7. Crickets singing. And, this year, cicadas too!
  8. Summer thunderstorms. Not scary weather, just the lightning and thunder and soft rain. We're having one of these tonight.
  9. Baseball games, NOT professional. We go to a AA team's games. They're fun, cheaper, and just more enjoyable all the way around. You can talk to the players if you sit close to the front row!
  10. Popsicles
  11. Long days
  12. Sitting on the porch
  13. Impromptu neighborhood get-togethers
  14. Freckles appearing on faces, arms, wherever. I love freckle-faced kids! Am I the only person who thinks freckles are fun, not a bane at all?
  15. If it's the right year, I really enjoy the Summer Olympics.

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