Monday, June 18, 2007

Monday's a Bitch

(Link at left)
A whole bunch of 'em just showed up this week...

Mother's Day (May 14) -- Faces Come Out of the Rain, When You're Strange
1. What's the strangest thing you've ridden in or on?
I'm a little wigged out that this was a Mother's Day question... ;-) OK, had I been willing to take my life in my hands, I could say a camel. But I wasn't. I honestly can't think of anything all that strange I've used as transport. Buses, planes of all sizes, trains in several countries, cars, trucks, campers, bicycles...nope, nothing's coming to mind. Unless you count that rather frightening ride with three friends in Mexico in a car driven by a guy we'd never met before.
2. What's the strangest thing in your home?
And Sparky's model of DNA made out of licorice, wire and wood.
3. What's the strangest nickname anyone has ever given you? What's the explanation behind it?
"Tater Tot." Annie W. used to call me that once in awhile in high school. Suffice to say that it went with my last name.
And then there's the whole "Black Death" story...which I won't get into here....
4. Where's the strangest place you've ever slept?
Do airports count? I've slept in airports all across the former USSR and, less often, elsewhere. I've also slept in classrooms and at work (though those were more naps than real sleep). Oh, and in the entryway of an Italian train, next to the toilet (because there were no seats left anywhere); but I didn't really sleep, just dozed and cried. I can't think of anywhere really weird though.
5. Who's your strangest family member?
Blood relative: Katherine. Married-into-the-family: Katherine's father, Jan. Yes, there is ABSOLUTELY a connection there!!
(At least this last one was easy!)

1. Do you like pulp in your orange juice?
Gaaahhhhhh! That would be NO! I can't handle pulp at all. Early-childhood trauma. And, yeah, OJ should be cold (are you listening, Mom?).
2. Do you ever visit the tanning salon?
Nope. I don't need more exposure to skin cancer, thanks. This, however, is an excellent question for the topic, and another reason I won't visit tanning salons!
3. Orange you glad I didn't say banana again?
(If you don't get it, find someone between the ages of 4 and 9 to explain it to you!)
4. Did you watch "The O.C."? If so, who was your favourite character?
I don't think there's enough money in the world to pay me to watch crap like that! Ergo, no and none.
5. Do you like your grilled cheese made with Kraft singles (or a similar processed cheese) or real cheese?
We usually use the processed stuff--and LOTS of margarine or butter!--but a good soft-ish cheese is lovely as a change of pace, too. Not brie, but Wensleydale or gouda.

1. Do you like Coldplay?
Ehhh, I can usually make it through one song at least. I did really love the video for "Yellow" though. Chris Martin looks a lot like my British nephew in that one.
2. Were you jaundiced as a baby?
As far as I know, no.
And I hate to mention this, but most jaundiced babies are orange-ish, not yellow-ish, in my experience.
3. Who's your favourite blond? Do blonds have more fun?
Uhm, Amy? Molly? Betsy? Or the three girls I just spent a week with. THEY seemed to have fun, anyway.
4. Is this shit bananas? And is Gwen Stefani a talented artist?
I need to listen to the lyrics a little more, I guess, but yeah, I like most of her stuff that I've heard. She seems to have her personal life under control at least. For that I'll credit her, seeing as so many vocalists are shooting off their own toes. Ahem.
5. Have you ever been stung by a bee? If so, where?
Only once: on my big toe between the pad of the toe and my foot (where it bends). 'sWhat happens when you step on a bee, eh?

1. Who's your favourite Ninja Turtle?
Uhm, now see, the Turtles were big just about the time I was in college and I couldn't be bothered. Still can't, for that matter. Sorry. Next....
2. Do you have a green thumb?
Very, very, very DARK green (as in black).
3. What's your favourite kind of salad?
I'm not fussy, but it MUST have fresh lettuce. I can't stand lettuce that's started to turn.
4. Do you get seasick?
Hmm, well, the two times I was on the sea (the Adriatic), I was fine but I also dosed up with Dramamine beforehand, and I was on a hydrofoil so that may play into it. I do get motion sick in cars, however. And I once threw up in a train...onto the tracks. That was fun.
5. Are you a fan of the "Shrek" movies? Have you gone to see the third one?
I've liked the first two. Eventually, I will see #3, but I doubt I'll pay to see it at a theater.

1. Do you remember Eiffel 65? What did you think they were saying in the "da ba dee" part of the chorus?
Yes, I do. I loved that song; still do, for that matter. I had no idea what the lyrics were, something about "Blue his house...blah blah..." Who cares? It was cute. And I can say this because I have heard it less than 20 times in my life. If it had been on the radio here in high rote. I'd've hated it.
2. Cookie Monster v Grover in a death match. Who wins?
There's really no contest here: Cookie. Grover is a putz. Sweet and all, but about as dorky and uncoordinated as you can find.
3. What's your favourite sea creature?
I'm going to go all girly and say dolphins. But I like whales too. They are cool: so huge and relatively gentle.
4. Have you ever had a blue collar job? Do any blue collar uniforms turn you on?
OK, uhm, I've done blue-collar work, but mostly for my dad or other places where I wasn't paid. I temped at a couple blue-collar-ish jobs, too. However, I've never had a blue-collar job that required a uniform (except an apron), and the uniform, not so much. That's across the board, btw: cops, soldiers, etc. The people matter more than the uniform to me.
5. Where is your watering hole of choice?
That would be my pantry and fridge. I don't do bars anymore. Make of that whatever you wish.

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