Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tuesday Twosome

(Link at left)
  1. Based on the current weather conditions, do you wish it were warmer or cooler? Why?
  2. The weather right now is just about perfect. It could be slightly less humid, but otherwise I'm quite pleased with it. I like warm weather. I like hot weather. I'm not thrilled about cold weather.
  3. What two words best describe summer for you? Why?
  4. Hot and sweaty. Around here, the two go together like peanut butter and jelly. The pits is when it cools off (down to the 70s) but stays humid. Summer also means allergies for me, but that would be three words. ;-)
  5. What are the two best reasons to enjoy summer? Why?
  6. Rolled-down car windows, and warmth.
  7. What are the two worst reasons to dislike summer? Why?
  8. There is really no such thing as "too hot" (for me), and pollen. I don't blame summer for the pollen, it's just part of the package.
  9. Do you plan on going on a vacation this summer, and if so, where?
  10. Yes, we'll be in Minneapolis for a week, and Tennessee for a wedding in July and then we'll drive to some Civil War battlefields from there; gone for about two weeks total on that trip. We also might take a weekend trip somewhere as yet undecided.

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