Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tina's Tuesdays

(Link at left)

1. On a Tuesday morning, you can be found where?
I'm up around 6, off to work around 7:30. Whee.
2. On Friday evening, where are you and what are you doing?
Probably sitting on the couch blogging and watching TV--chosen by Beast. He is in charge of the remote.
3. What is your Sunday like from the moment you get up to the time you go to bed?
Up by 7, off to church by 8:30 or so, home by 11 (this is the summer schedule, by the way), goofing off the rest of the day. It's really dependent on what we have going on. Sparky might have something for youth group. We might be doing the senior high youth group (my joy is that next year Sparky is in our youth group!), we might be visiting friends or family, we might be watching football (not now, but at the appropriate moment).... Sunday's pretty free. We usually order pizza for dinner, and head to bed as early as possible to get ahead on sleep for the week. Hah!

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