Attack of the Email Forward
We all get those pesky emails day in and day out. I think it’s time to celebrate some of the more interesting forwards you’ve gotten by posting it on your blog.
I just sent out this one last week:Sorry, guys, it's quick and for a kid's school project! (And you are the ones I thought might follow through - either because you have kids, you like science, or you're just plain nice.) This is for a science fair project. If you could do this I would appreciate it! DON'T ASK, JUST PLAY! Copy and paste this entire letter into a new e-mail (PLEASE do NOT hit FORWARD), then read the list of names below. If your name is on the list put a star* next to it. If not, then add your name (in alphabetical order), and do not put in a star. Send it to ten people and send it back to the person who sent it to you. Put your name in the subject box! You'll see what happens...My questions are numerous: what is supposed to happen, and how does it get back to the originator, and all those semi-practical things. The other amusing thing I realized after forwarding it is that the names are all out of order after only about 30 people have played.
It's kind of cool! Please keep this going. Don't mess it up, please:
Alice, Amy*, Andy, Ashley, Astin...Celine, Cheryl, Cordell, Carol, Chris*, Colette....etc. etc.
Normally, forwards are deleted on arrival in my email. I don't respond, and I certainly don't forward most of them. Not sure why this one appeals to me so much!
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