Monday, April 9, 2007


(Link at left)
The Monday Melee

1. The Misanthtropic: Name something (about humanity) you absolutely hate.
Untidiness. We are a mess-making species.
2. The Meretricious: Expose something or someone that’s phony, fraudulent, or bogus.
CT at work. She's a complete enigma to herself.
3. The Malcontent: Name something you’re unhappy with.
Right now, I'm not that discontented...uhm, so, I'll say I'm not happy with the fact that I volunteered to help with the 8th-grade dance.
4. The Meritorious: Give someone credit for something and name it if you can.
I credit six library directors of my acquaintance for having large balls (tho' they are all women) and holding the new software company to their contract when they (the new software company) didn't fulfill it.
5. The Mirror: See something good about yourself and name it.
I'm tough, and I come from "good pioneer stock." [Family joke]
6. The Make-Believe: Name something you wish for.
A good wife for my son.

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