Monday, April 9, 2007

Tuesday Twosome

(Link at left)
Is This Really Me?

1. Do you ever feel overwhelmed, and if so, how do you deal with it?
I feel overwhelmed regularly. Once I've stopped with the whole panic-attack feeling, I just line out what needs to be done (oh, lists, I love you!) and then work through it.
2. Is there a place you go to when you want to be all alone, and if so, where?
If I'm at home with the rest of the family, I'll either go to my bedroom, or if I absolutely don't want to be bothered I'll hit the bathroom. :-) When I'm home alone, I'm not that fussy.

There is also the option to get in the truck and drive around--though that's getting expensive!--or driving to the local state park and going for a walk.
3. Do you prefer to be in a crowd or a small group of people, and why?
I totally don't like crowds, specifically crowds milling about. Disneyland is a nightmare to me.
4. Do you tend to be more optimistic or pessimistic, and why?
Generally more optimistic with pessimistic tendencies on occasion. Experience has tempered my optimism.
5. Who are two people you tend to turn to when you need help?
Beast, for sure. The second choice depends on the sort of help I need. Work-related stuff: my boss, I guess. Life: Jenny, or Amy, or someone in my family.

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