Wednesday, November 1, 2006

The Survey Place


I am shorter than 5'4": Not for thirty-plus years. I'm just shy of 5'8".

I have many scars: No. Not too many, just a couple doozies.

I tan easily: Uh, no.

Burn easily: Yup. White or red: those are the only real colors I have.

I wish my natural hair was a different color: Welllll...I wish it wasn't quite so gray....

I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color: Yup. 'Tis true.

I've had/have braces: Two years, in middle school. Built lots of character. I had to have four teeth pulled first, too. The other bookend was that two years after getting the things off my teeth, I had to have my wisdom teeth pulled too.

I have been told I was attractive by a total stranger: Yup. Sigh...the perils of working in public service.

I have more than 5 piercings: Nope.

I have/had piercings in places besides my ears: Nope.

I have freckles: Yes. Yes, I do: face, arms, back....

Disney movies still make me cry: Only "The Lion King."

I've laughed so hard I've cried:
Not today...but last night, yeah. hee hee

I've glued my hand to something: I've glued my fingers together: does that count? I also wasted a lot of glue while in middle school putting white glue on the palm of my hand, letting it dry, and then peeling it off. It was a thing we did....better than sniffing it, right?

I've laughed till some kind of beverage came out of my nose: I usually choke. I haven't done the nose thing since grade school.
Now I know I've curse myself and I'll probably do it tomorrow!

I've had my pants rip/drop in public:, I don't think so.

I was born with a disease/impairment: Just my gene pool.
Seriously, this is pretty broad...but I'll say no. Certainly nothing very major.

I've sat in a doctor's office with a friend: Er, with various relatives...not with a friend, I don't think. Have I? Hmmm....

I've had my wisdom teeth removed: Oops, yes. I jumped the gun on this. Yes. They started growing in at age 16, crooked, and had to be pulled. Man, that totally sucked (pun intended); yuk.

I've had a serious surgery: Yep. Which also sucked, but not as much as the teeth thing.

I've had chicken pox: Yep. I didn't even miss school. I managed to be sick during the worst snowstorm of my childhood: the schools closed for a couple of days, there was no electricity, we couldn't leave the house, I had to lie on the couch under several layers of itchy wool blankets to keep warm. I have a couple of scars from that whole experience.
No, not just mental scars.

I've gotten lost in a city: Uhm, yeah. Mexico City, as a matter of fact.

I've seen a shooting star: Er, I don't remember. Sorry, this is not something I'm particularly inclined to remember.

I've gone out in public in my pajamas: Usually just to collect the newspaper or wave goodbye to Beast or Sparky in the morning. I think I might have worn them to the hospital...or out of the hospital...

I've pushed all the buttons on an elevator: Huh. Not likely. I've been in an elevator with someone who has, though.

I've been to a casino: Yup. At age 17. With my church youth group.

I've played spin the bottle: Nope. It was extremely NOT cool when it was age-appropriate for me; as a result I never understood the point of it until...uh, college, maybe?

I've drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour: Yak! NO!

I've been in a car accident: Minor ones only. [Knock wood--ok, maybe I am superstitious.

I've caught a snowflake on my tongue: Sigh....yes....I love those kinds of snowstorms, and days to enjoy them.

I've sat on a roof top at night: I don't think so. I can't imagine where I would have done this....

I've played a prank on someone: Of course. But nothing mean.

I've ridden in a taxi: Just almost everytime I take the train to the Big City.

I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show: Ironically, last night. And a few other times, too. Not till I was in college, though.

I've eaten sushi: No thanks.

I've been snowboarding: Bolshoyst nyet.

I miss someone right now: Always.

I've gotten divorced: No. (I'm resisting the urge to say "not yet" to be cute....)

I've told someone I loved them when I didn't: No. That's one of my uncrossable lines.

I didn't tell someone I loved them when I did: Yes. Regularly.

I've had a crush on a teacher: Of course.

I've hugged a stranger: Yes. Funerals will do that.

I own something from Hot Topic: No, but Sparky does: his favorite shirt, and his earring (and the other 4 or 5 he bought with that one).

I own something from The Gap: Yes, as a matter of fact. I rarely shop there, but I needed a jacket last spring in Boston, and Gap had a perfect one, on sale!

I own something I got on e-bay: My new truck speaker.

I own something from Abercrombie & Fitch: Hel-LO: I'm a little elderly for that!

I own something from American Eagle: I'm not sure there is one anywhere where I shop.

I own something from Anchor Blue: WTF? Never heard of it.

I own something from PacSun: Nope.

I own something from Hollister: ??

I own something from Wet Seal: ??

==More Random==
I can sing well: I can carry a tune fairly well, yes.

I've stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant: Heh. No. But I know someone who has; has the statute of limitations run out?

I watch the news: Rarely. Like less than once a month.

I don't kill bugs: Oh yes I do!

I curse regularly: Fuckyeah!

I am a morning person: Moreso than a lot of people I know, and am related to!

I am a sports fanatic: Uh, NO.

I have listened to more then 30 CD's in a day: That would be over 24 hours! No.

My favorite color is pink: In some alternate universe, perhaps. The alternate universe where I was a cheerleader in high school and have a meth lab in the basement of my house.

I've worn pajamas to school: Nope.

I know how to shoot a gun: Does a cap pistol count?

I am really ticklish: At times, and in certain places.

I'm good at remembering faces: Faces, I'm pretty good at; names to go with them...not so much....

I'm good at remembering names: Yes, but I don't always remember who goes with the name. See above.

I'm good at remembering dates: Yes. I can tell you everyone's birthdate in my family: all 23 or so (day and date). However, I'm not so good at newer dates.

I'm good at remembering memories: Only my own. :-)

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