Saturday, October 14, 2006

Saturday 6

Episode 131
[I've done most of these already, but rather than do linky-loo as an entry (which I'm too lazy to do, and it's lame-o anyway, I just retook the tests.]

1. Take the quiz: How much sloth do you have?
Your Sloth Quotient: 25%

You're a little lazy, but normally you're a very energetic and motivated person.
Don't beat yourself up over a little laziness every now and then. You do need your downtime!

Yeah. OK. Right.
2. Take the quiz: How much wrath do you have?
Your Wrath Quotient: 32%

Sometimes you get really angry, but nothing out of the norm.
While you may wish someone harm, it's pretty unlikely that you'd actually do anything about it.

Pretty low, all things considered...this week especially!

3. Take the quiz: How much lust do you have?
Your Lust Quotient: 37%

You are a fairly lustful person, but nothing out of the norm.
You usually keep your lust under control, but sometimes it gets the better of you.

4. Take the quiz: How much envy do you have?
Your Envy Quotient: 33%

You are an occasionally envious person, but jealousy doesn't usually get the better of you.
You're wise enough to know that envy feels horrible - and does nothing to improve your life.
A little jealousy is normal: so go ahead and let yourself feel it. But don't let it bum you out!

I believe that score might be slightly higher than the last time I took this -- I wonder why??
5. Take the quiz: How much pride do you have?
Your Pride Quotient: 30%

You're a little prideful, but nothing out of the norm.
Like everyone, you enjoy attention. But you're also good at sharing the spotlight!

" the name of love." :-)
6. Of these five sins, which quiz's response seemed most different from your real personality?
Oh, totally the Sloth one. I should be MUCH higher!

0 sweet-talkers :

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