Friday, August 18, 2006

Open-Source tag

from Mr. Zen-Fo

Rapper Name:
According to this website, it's Coca Sweet.

Alternative Rock Band Name:
According to this site, it's Bitten Heaven.

Name your pain:
Never measuring up. Never being "good enough." So...inadequacy and the things that flow from that.

1 true word that symbolizes God:

1 True Love or 1 million dollars?:
You can make more money, but you can't make another love.

Live Free or Die Stupid?:
We all die stupid. My choice is to live as free as possible.

Purest, Happiest Moment Ever (8 words or less):
About a week after bringing Sparky home from the hospital, when I realized I could actually "do this" and I relaxed and really looked at him for the first time. That was also about the time the hormones wore off.

Most Influential Life Lesson:
"Life's not fair. We all have to do things we hate, but we have to do them."

Most Successful Person You Least Admire:
George W. Bush.

Where do we go when we die? (one word):
Which part of us? Part of goes back to make more of us, in the physical and metaphysical senses. The essence of who we are? I don't know. Guess I'll have to wait and find out.

Worst TV show of the past decade:
Over 90% of everything on at any given time in the past ten years. I don't want to pick on any on individual.

Best TV show of the past decade:
I like CSI. Not sure if it's the best, but it's my favorite.

Still with me, yes or no?:
Yawn.... Yep. I can do these in my sleep.

Burning Building- baby or dog:
Baby. What kind of question is that? Who would answer "dog"??

Who runs the world? (two words or less):
Evil. Occasionally interrupted by Not-Evil.

I know, I know: more than two works. So, stick with "Evil."

Worst Idea You Ever Had:
Opening my mouth gets me trouble so often, but I can't speak to which specific time got me in the worst trouble.

Shittiest Job You Ever Had:
Temping one summer. I actually enjoyed it, when places I was sent actually LET ME WORK! There were two places where I just sat. I did nothing: I wasn't allowed to file, answer phones, talk to people.... They paid me more than minimum wage to do nothing. I've never been so fucking BORED!

Best Job You Ever Had:
My current job is pretty good: cataloger at a medium-sized public library. Part of the reason I'm appreciating it so much is that I'm soon going to be losing my autonomy in many ways.

0 sweet-talkers :

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Sweet comments from sweet people

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