Monday, July 3, 2006

Monday Madness

July 3

1. Have you ever traveled outside of your own country?
Beginning at age 14, I've left the U.S. around 10 times.

It seems like more, but during our 20s we were too broke to travel overseas.
2. If you could be any animal, which animal would you be, and why?
I'd like to be a wolf. Or an elephant, preferably an elephant on a game preserve, or in a zoo.
3. Do you read manga?
I don't. Sparky does.

I catalog a lot of it at work, but I'm just over the age-hump here and don't really see the attraction, I'm afraid.

On the other hand, I don't see it as the downfall of civilization like some of the grownups I know, either.
4. Are you doing anything special to celebrate Independence Day? (For those of you who don't live in the U.S., did you do anything special this past weekend?)
Not much. Might have friends over. Might just sit around eating corn on the cob and bratwurst and drinking v&t. Anyone interested?
5. How many memes do you participate in regularly?
About 4 million.

OK, I subscribe to about 30 on Bloglines. And I've got my personal suppliers, who do other things besides meme.
6. How much is a gallon of gasoline where you live? Have you cut down on your driving since the prices have gone up?
It's about $3.10 per gallon. If you're like me and successfully develop amnesia at the gas pump, you can check gas prices here. [covers the U.S. and Canada]

I've tried to cut down, but since we live in the country, it's next to impossible to do anything without driving somewhere. I drive about 10 miles to work; Beast drives about 25 to his office. The nearest grocery store--real store, not a glorified mini-mart with incredibly inflated prices--is 6 miles away.

Welcome to America.

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