I'm Hot For Teacher
1. Who was your favorite all time teacher(s)?
Mr. Shupe (jr. hi band), Ms. Philippi (senior AP English), Mrs. Grubenhoff (hi school Spanish), Miss Fitzgerald (hi school social science: psych, soc., etc.). I enjoyed Jack Dukes and Paul Rempe in college, but my favorite was Becky Sherrick (all history profs).
2. What did they teach?
Oops. See above.
3. What is your best memory from that class?
Mr. Shupe: "Troy, hurry up!" "Hode it, hode it." And the Kicks-are-for-Trids joke.
Ms. Philippi: When she admitted to never having come across the word "sward."
Mrs. Grubenhoff: Two years of independent study: I can read Spanish very well, but I suck speaking it. And her adorable kids whom I babysat frequently.
Miss Fitz: She was the kindest teacher I had, in 13 years of public school.
Jack: When he got drunk in Samarkand and kept yelling at Arv to "PACK MY SHIT, ARVIN!"
Paul: He was so easy to sidetrack in class....
Becky: How she stood up to the power structure and made it work for her.
4. Did you ever have a crush on a teacher and if so who?
Probably the closest I ever came to a crush on teacher was Mr. McEwan (freshman year) or Mr. Whisenand (5th/6th grade). But I don't remember EVER pining away for a teacher.
5. What is the craziest/wildest/weirdest thing you (or someone you know) ever did at school?
Oh good heavens. I was far from the wildest kid. I do remember once hiding in a closet with a friend in 6th grade so we wouldn't have to go back to class when we were done helping out with the 1st-graders. We stayed in there probably 15 minutes. No one ever noticed. What a let-down.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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