Last Will and Testament
1. Have you written your will?
Yes, though it hasn't been updated in over five years. Probably something we should take care of.
2. Would you prefer to be buried or cremated? Why?
I've told Beast that the drill is to harvest any usable organs, donate the rest of me to science (preferably a body farm), and if none of that works--or even if it does--cremate me at the end.
He's being cremated too.
3. What do you imagine your funeral to be like?
Lots of music, some readings, MUCHO food. The weirdest thing is that often when we sing a particularly favorite hymn at church, I think "I'd like this sung at my funeral." I think I'm up to 25 or so.
4. What would you like to be remembered for?
Not something I worry about, or really care about.
5. Do you believe in reincarnation?
Not seriously. I always think of George Carlin's riff on this: "They're printing up souls!" although he may have been doing something else.... In any case, I consider myself agnostic on this question.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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