public square questionnaire
1. What color is your hair?
Odd I should have this question on a day my hair was colored. So this morning it was dark brownish/graying at the roots, and now it's a nice cinnamon/dark brown all over.
2. When is the last time you accepted a dare?
I don't think I've been dared to do anything much lately. Maybe volunteering to be on the committee to write the definitions for the thesaurus for the new cataloging system at work. {jargon much?}
3. Do you think you could have an affair?
4. How often do you feel like walking on air?
Almost never in the winter.
But the rest of the year, I've been known to walk on sunshine.
5. How about despair?
No thanks. I'm well-stocked in this department, probably have enough for several decades.
Sunday night
5 years ago
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