Tuesday, December 21, 2004


10 on Tuesday

I must preface this by saying that I don't generally do New Year's resolutions. The tone, therefore, may not have the right amount of gravitas for some. Oh well: deal.

  1. Have a better attitude about my family.
  2. Figure out a strategy for dealing with the negative people around me so that I stop following their lead.
  3. Update Books Read list for 2004. Print off.
  4. Figure out more HTML coding.
  5. Find an exercise program I can stick to.
  6. Really set up Snapfish right.
  7. Send family cards…and others if I can get organized enough.
  8. Develop landscape plan for the yard.
  9. Make something useful with wool and needles (I can knit, but only like Madame Defarge.)
  10. Figure out how to post pictures. Because really I’m not that dumb. Am I?? erk

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