Tuesday, May 25, 2004

More memes

Link: Tuesday Twosome
Title:End of May:

1. Name two things you will miss this summer:
    Trips to Maine, and Galena. We promised 4 years ago that we'd go to Moosehead every three years, alternating with a trip to Colorado and a "Just Us" trip to anywhere. We missed last summer. And we're missing this summer. So much for planning. Technically we're going to Galena, but usually we stay a week; this year only 2 nights, because we're spending big $$ on a trip to a wedding.
2. Name two things that you won't miss this summer:
    In the sense of "It's going to happen:" warm weather (hurrah hurrah) and bare feet. In the sense of "I'm glad we don't have to do that:" children's play and swimming lessons.
3. Vacation: "Planning on one" or "Don't have the time and/or money to take one":
    Yep, we always manage some kind of trip. Even if it's just a short one. I love traveling, so does The Beast. We're going to England for two weeks. woohoo (my 5th trip, Beast's 3rd, the boy's 3rd)
4. Warmer weather: "Finally" or "Crap! I want cooler weather":
    Are you kidding?? "Finally!!" I hate cold weather. I could live without humidity, though.
5. Memorial Day (USA): "A much needed day off" or "I have to work":
    The library is closed, but I may stop in for a few hours of quiet. The boy has to march in the parade, so we'll probably go to the memorial services as well. Otherwise, nothin' much planned. Maybe we'll have some friends over...a low-pressure kind of thing. We'll see.

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