Well, I neglected to take the trash to the curb this week and it's mighty full. I'm sure there are more options, but let's go with that.
2. Who last dropped you a line or dropped by?
My sister randomly posted her Christmas letter on Facebook this year, so I guess that would be my brother-in-law (different sister's widower) who send HIS Christmas letter to my inbox last night.
3. How do you feel about raindrops falling on your head?
That's what today's weather was and it is just all yuck at Christmas time. Snow or sunshine, fine. Rain, blech.
4. When did you memorably deliver a mic drop moment?
Probably something I thought but did not say about work. I'm trying to do that more than I actually voice those thoughts, which continue to get me in trouble.
5. Whom have you recently discovered to be drop-dead gorgeous?
I can't think of anyone I have recently discovered, although in the course of the day today I did run across the Duke/Duchess of whatever's Xmas photo, and their younger son (Louis) looks like quite a fun little guy.
2 sweet-talkers :
It's good to hear from you again. :) I'm enjoying catching up on your recent meme posts.
I love your answer to #4. Alas, I too need to be better about keeping my thoughts to myself! I'm not always successful!
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