Sunday, January 31, 2021

Sunday Stealing

(Link in meme-roll) 

1. What is your favorite animal and why? 
My favorite is the wolf, but I'm mostly just into anything canine, so coyotes and dogs and so forth. I just like dogs. They calm me.
2. Are people animals? What separates humans from animals? 
Well this is the big question, isn't it? Yes, we are animals, but we have different brain function that makes us able to do things most animals can't do.
3. Which animal is the most dangerous? 
Running off that last question, the answer has to be humans.
4. What should you do if a bear approaches you? 
My understanding is that the best thing to do is LOOK BIG AND SCARY. Wave your arms around, look aggressive, that sort of thing. I'm fairly certain I would be frozen and peeing my pants IRL though.
5. Do you like dogs? Why do people call the dog, man’s best friend? 
I love dogs. Seriously, I could easily turn into a crazy dog lady if I weren't so allergic to them. They are the most adoring and understanding and patient creatures. And smart enough to do things we ask them to.
6. Do you enjoy going to the zoo? Some people consider zoos to be cruel environments for animals. What do you think? 
I don't like zoos on a philosophical level in terms of keeping animals in cages. However, I think we need to have a place that's safe for animals to at least continue to exist. I know the zookeepers are generally in the field because they are passionately in love with the animal kingdom.
7. Where is the best place to see animals in your country? In the world? 
Go outside where there aren't so many humans, and just be still for awhile. 
8. Are you a vegetarian? What makes some people give up eating meat? 
I'm really not interested in giving up meat. I have family that has done the veggie thing and they are perfectly healthy and fine, but I like me some steak sometimes.
9. Which animal is most helpful to humans? 
Dogs, overall. But also cattle and chickens and horses and sheep and goats and pigs and....
10 If you could be any animal (besides human), which animal would you like to be? 
Totally coming back as a family dog if I can.
11. Who would win in a fight between a tiger and a lion? 
Male tiger. Male lions are lazy SOBs.
12. What do you think about hunting animals? Would you like to try it? 
I can't see any purpose to my killing an animal when there is plenty of food in stores. If I were starving, the answer would undoubtedly change in a hot minute. 
13. Books like “Watership Down” and “Animal Farm” give animals human characteristics like human thoughts or language. Is this how you think animals really are? Or are those really just stories about people? 
These are metaphorical stories. I mean, I think animals do have a sense of tribalism as a rule, but I doubt very much that they think anything like we do.
14. Some animals are endangered due to illegal poaching. How do you feel about this issue? 
I think people who kill endangered animals ought to be a lot more endangered themselves, especially those who pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to do it. I'm looking at the former First Son and his ilk. It's disgusting and heartless and should mean prison for the instigators.
15. If we can bring an extinct animal from the past back with genetic engineering, should we do it? Which animals should we bring back?
I'm with Jasper Fforde on this: bring back the dodos!!

7 sweet-talkers :

Bev Sykes said...

oh that would be fun--bringing back the dodos!

CountryDew said...

Dodos would be fun. You have the right idea with the bear. Turning and running is definitely a no-no.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

I like to think that the dodos and the other extinct animals are alive and well in parallel universes.

The Gal Herself said...

#11 -- I suspect the male lion would just send his womenfolk in to fight for him.

Kwizgiver said...

I almost said the Dodo!

Cat. said...

Susie: I like that idea a lot!

Gal: of course he would and like all sensible women everywhere, they would turn and tell him to drop dead.

I love all the dodo love! lol

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I chose the tiger as well. I just saw a video of two tigresses fighting over territory . Tigers are a lot more scary than a male lion and can climb like lightning.
We need to clear an island off for the dodos. No ants no monkeys. So, let’s petition the World Court. 👍🏻😎

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